This is why I own guns.

Any politician that supports gun control is a politician that looks at this and says, “yes, I want those Jews disarmed so that they can’t defend themselves when the people who spray painted this come back to carry out their threat.”


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The Hamas loving Left killed gun control”
    1. At this point, they’ll fund the camps themselves and willingly go in them ‘for their own protection’.

  1. I’m expecting that the new “re-education” camps will be set up in Australia. They love tyranny down under.

    1. Unfortunately, you are likely correct.
      For a country that was founded as a prison, and they are quite proud of that heritage. Not because they were ordered around, but because they built a country despite that heritage.
      But, now… being ordered around by “officials” seems to be common. So much for independence…

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