I don’t know if they are low information voters or high levels idiots or both. It does not matter that Florida having a bigger population and more positives for the virus, it has had almost 20 thousand less deaths than NYS.

As of yesterday, 25% of Floridians have been vaccinated at least once.

Our economy has suffered, but has not been trashed, Schools are up and running and if it wasn’t for the damned mask, you could not tell we are living in end-of-times by the way people are moving around and doing normal things out there.

If these imbeciles really hate the way things are being run in Florida, I am sure UHaul has excellent prices to move to New York.  Not the same for a move from NY to the Sunshine state since there is high demand for their equipment.

Ain’t that something?

PS: Damn it, I almost forgot. One governor is being investigated for sexual harassment an it ain’t Ron.

UPDATE: Seriously, Cuomo is the perfect choice for Liberals and their hypocrisy

Cuomo directed NY health officials to prioritize COVID-19 testing for his relatives: Report | Fox News


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “The hate against DeSantis has reached the stupid level. (UPDATE)”
  1. What can we do? Send those people back to NY? Not allow any more New Yawkers into the state? I don’t think either of those are legal.

  2. “I don’t know if they are low information voters or high levels idiots or both.”

    Yes, both.

    Too many people get their news from instatwitterface. Someone reads a headline, forwards it to their followers, and suddenly a bunch of people think they are “educated”

    And, never forget, the first axiom of politics is still in play.l

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