From the Times Union:

Woman, 22, killed at protest as civil unrest roils Davenport

A woman was killed early Monday in an apparently random shooting as she was leaving a protest against police brutality in Davenport, as gun violence and looting rocked the city for hours, police and her relatives said.

Italia Marie Kelly, 22, was one of two people fatally shot overnight as shootings and property destruction unfolded in many parts of Davenport, a city of 100,000 people across the Mississippi River from Illinois.

Kelly, who is biracial and went by the last name Impinto, and a friend were getting in a vehicle to leave around midnight because the protest outside a Walmart had turned unruly, Hale said.

That’s when she was struck in the back by a bullet that went through her shoulder and chest, likely killing her instantly, Hale said.

That is a very sterile description of the situation.

This is the video posted online by the victim’s sister:

Her pain is real.

This is the truth covered up by the media that is playing at armchair revolutionaries.

Innocent people are being hurt and killed and other innocent people are suffering because of it.

When this is all over, we cannot forget, or let them gloss over, what it is that they did to us.  They destroyed the lives of so many so they could feel a rush.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The heartbreaking reality of the chaos”
  1. Sad. And the Democrats and MSM inciting and encouraging all of this will blame Trump and the mostly fictional “white supremacists” for everything bad that has happened.

  2. In my opinion, I do not differentiate between the rioters/looters, the politicians that initiated and enforced lockdowns because of the virus, and the vulture media who enabled them all. They knowingly and willfully ruined thousands of people lives and livelihoods for reasons that are not adequately substantiated.

    The tragedy felt by the people who lost their parents/grandparents because NY and PA knowingly put infected people into nursing homes, the sadness felt by families that suffered after a suicide, or after an addict in recovery relapsed due to the lockdown. The family that had their business ruined, either by looting, or forced bankruptcy deserve sympathy just as much as the poor woman who lost her sister.

    And, never forget, the media is absolutely to blame here. It is a LOT more than just sharing in the blame. Would these sisters had gone to the protest if they knew the real extent of the violence? If the headlines were not about peaceful protesters, but instead about the rampant violence? Maybe the number of people at the protest would be half, or less if they got an accurate picture of what was really happening.

    I cannot fathom the horror and sadness that this random act of violence caused the victim’s families and friends. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

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