First, this Tweet from the president of the Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden:

Second, This Tweet from Obama advisor (and defacto President) Valerie Jarett:

Third, this news about Cuomo:

Now let us go over some facts.

I covered this before, but New York City spread the virus to the rest of the United States.

There are more facts to consider:

3 States Account for 42 Percent of All COVID-19 Deaths in America. Why?

This raises questions about how we measure success in the age of COVID-19. While most attention is being paid to rising case numbers, death tolls would seem to be the most important metric. While US deaths per capita (401/1M) put the country among the ten highest in the world—ahead of France and Sweden, but just below the Netherlands—those numbers also don’t tell the entire story.

Few may have noticed that 42 percent of all COVID deaths in the US come from just three states—New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts. These three states account for nearly 56,000 of the nearly 133,000 deaths in the US, even though they represent just 10 percent of the population. If these three states are excluded, the US suddenly finds itself somewhere in between nations such as Luxembourg (176/1M) and Macedonia (166/1M), where some of the better fatality numbers in Europe are found.

I major issue here is that COVID positive patients were forced into nursing homes where the disease spread like “Fire Through Dry Grass.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo earlier this year received a great deal of criticism when the state’s policy of prohibiting nursing homes from screening residents for COVID-19 came to light. Cuomo eventually reversed that decision under intense criticism from public health experts and trade group leaders.

This week, the New York State Department of Health issued a report that concluded 6,326 COVID-positive residents were admitted to nursing homes between March 25 and May 8 as a result of the order.

These are the critical numbers to consider:

Deaths per million:
New Jersey: 1,728.7
New York: 1,660
Massachusetts: 1,189
Arizona: 265
Florida: 179
Texas: 94

One additional fact that is important in this case is that Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home executives after big campaign donations.

As Governor Andrew Cuomo faced a spirited challenge in his bid to win New York’s 2018 Democratic primary, his political apparatus got a last-minute boost: a powerful healthcare industry group suddenly poured more than $1m into a Democratic committee backing his campaign.

Less than two years after that flood of cash from the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA), Cuomo signed legislation last month quietly shielding hospital and nursing home executives from the threat of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. The provision, inserted into an annual budget bill by Cuomo’s aides, created one of the nation’s most explicit immunity protections for healthcare industry officials, according to legal experts.

One of the major vectors for infection within nursing homes were nursing home workers who contracted and spread COVID.  Absolutely no precautions were taken to prevent nursing home workers from becoming angels of death and the nursing home industry in New York is immune from civil litigation for their negligence that accounts for more than 6,200 deaths.

The Foundation for Economic Education isn’t the only group that notices this.

Two Coasts. One Virus. How New York Suffered Nearly 10 Times the Number of Deaths as California.
California’s governor and San Francisco’s mayor worked together to act early in confronting the COVID threat. For Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio, it was a different story, and 27,000 New Yorkers have died so far.

In an interview, California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said it was critical to allow Northern California counties to rely on their own experts, act with a degree of autonomy and thus perhaps pave the way for the state to expand on what they had done. And three days after San Francisco and its neighboring counties were closed, Newsom, on March 19, imposed the same restrictions on the rest of California.

Breed, it turns out, had sent de Blasio a copy of her detailed shelter-in-place order. She thought New York might benefit from it.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, however, reacted to de Blasio’s idea for closing down New York City with derision. It was dangerous, he said, and served only to scare people. Language mattered, Cuomo said, and “shelter-in-place” sounded like it was a response to a nuclear apocalypse.

Moreover, Cuomo said, he alone had the power to order such a measure.

Not just was there infighting between Cuomo and de Blasio, but Cuomo went into full CYA mode before doing anything to fight the virus.

While New York’s formal pandemic response plan underscores the need for seamless communication between state and local officials, the state Health Department broke off routine sharing of information and strategy with its city counterpart in February, just as the size of the menace was becoming clearer, according to both a city official and a city employee. “Radio silence,” said the city official. To this day, the city employee said, the city can’t always get basic data from the state, such as counts of ventilators at hospitals or nursing home staff. “It’s like they have been ordered not to talk to us,” the person said.

The city official also said that after the city had been assisting the state in identifying and responding to outbreaks in city nursing homes, the state two weeks ago abruptly told the city its help wasn’t needed. More than 5,000 nursing home residents in New York have died of COVID-19.

Mayor de Blasio was even dumber and more incompetent.

By March 5, the number of COVID-19 infections in New York City were doubling every five or six days, and officials within the city’s Health Department had become increasingly frustrated at what they regarded as the mayor’s failure to comprehend the size and nature of the crisis. That day, he’d issued a press release expressing confidence that the city could still “beat this thing.”

The city official’s notes show that the Health Department into early March remained confounded by the mayor’s continued talk about prevailing against the threat.

“He doesn’t get it,” the official wrote. “Not convinced that there’s a volcano about to blow beneath us and thinks we need to beat this thing through ongoing containment efforts.”

On March 5, the notes became darker. The official said de Blasio had gagged the Health Department commissioner and her top deputy for infectious diseases for the last three days, ordering them to effectively endorse decisions he was making on his own. The official took a dim view of a mayoral press release claiming that “disease detectives” would be chasing down every case and ordering the infected into quarantine as fantasy.

“The hospital networks are looking to us for information and support, but we’re hampered by the official stances,” the official wrote. “More like China and Iran than what the city is used to getting.”

There were people in the Health Department who knew what was needed, the official said. They went unheeded.

Remember, it took until May 6th, for NYC to start disinfecting the subway system.

You really need to read both articles in their entirety to truly appreciate the level of bumble-fuckery that New York experienced at both the city and state level, from leaders too ignorant and arrogant to be effective.

So back to the introductory Tweets.

The virus hit the blue states first, which is why this nation was fucked.  It spread like wildfire in New York City, then New Yorkers took the virus with them to the rest of the country.

The “short term sacrifice” New York made was more than 32,000 people.  New York City is having so few deaths now because they killed so many just months ago.  This isn’t the effect of social distancing, this is the effect of killing off the most susceptible people to the virus already.

Lastly, it seems that Governor Cuomo’s regular national cable news fratrisexual fellation is not enough and now he must write a book, both to pad his income and to retcon history to absolve himself of all wrongdoing.

NYC and the surrounding areas of bridge and tunnel commuters were an absolute disaster in virus handling, responsible for 42% of US deaths.

Nevertheless, for a brief moment, Cuomo was considered by many on the Left to be the real POTUS.

This should be every reason for the rest of America to never trust a Democrat or a politician from the North East ever again.

Instead, they are going to use the power of traditional media and social media to rewrite history and tell us not to believe our lying eyes and that what they did was fantastic and it’s the Red States that are the screwups, numbers be damned.

We cannot let this happen.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The history of Coronavirus in the US is being rewritten before our eyes”
  1. This sounds like an attempt at reputation restoration and enhancement. Could the completely detached from reality Democrat Party Leaders have decided that Governor Andrew (the lesser) Cuomo is the replacement candidate for senile Gropey Joe?

    It is about a month before their pseudo convention, and Joe still has not announced any VP decision, which minimizes any baggage if Joe suddenly drops out.

  2. New York City is having so few deaths now because they killed so many just months ago. This isn’t the effect of social distancing, this is the effect of killing off the most susceptible people to the virus already.

    I’m sure that’s a factor in NY’s “reduction”, but I’m extremely skeptical that it’s the only reason.

    Remember when they were inflating COVID deaths by including all kinds of causes-of-death — car accidents, gunshots, strokes and heart attacks, etc. — but calling it “COVID-related” if the deceased posthumously tested positive?

    There’s zero reason to expect them to report honest numbers now. I can’t imagine there haven’t been a significant number of hand-to-God COVID deaths that have been put down as “acute respiratory distress”, “age-related causes”, “cardiac arrest”, or any of a million other things. We’ve already seen that NY’s testing rate is ~10% of Florida’s, leading to the perception that Florida’s surge is far worse than NY’s (really, Florida is just testing 10 times as many people, so of course they’re seeing more positives — that bit always seems to end up on the media’s editing room floor for some “unknown” reason).

    Where there was a political advantage in inflating the numbers before, they did. There’s a political advantage in suppressing the numbers now. I can’t believe they wouldn’t if they could get away with it.

    1. I agree, I’m sure they’re lying about the numbers yet again. Florida is taking all the heat now with their ‘surge’, but even with the huge number of tests their deaths remain low. Wonder why that is…

  3. But…. surges in positive tests…. /sarc

    Numbers, without context are curiosities. Nothing more. Yet, the simple minded will claim they have value.

  4. Same thing in Pennsylvania, our nursing homes were purposefully infected and became the bulk of deaths. The very segment of the population that was actually vulnerable to it, but everyone else needed to be on lockdown for some damn reason.

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