We have some testers going around and figuring what and how to do it.

It is not the old phpBB type forum, but something more advanced and agile that will take a bit of practice for old farts like me.  I mentioned somewhere that I asked AWA for a pick up and he brought us a Bugatti.

BTW there are two types of rules: The standard and very complete set that came with the forum, and then we have The Rules.

Same as in the Blog’s comments, the number one rule is simple: Don’t be a Dick. This is not the Flavian Amphitheatre so we will not have Keyboard Gladiators. This will be a place for discussion and probably in more than one occasion it will get heated, but there is zero tolerance for just trolling for the fuck of it or to prove you have a mighty keyboard.

There will be moderators and their word is final even when they fuck up. Do not go chasing after the owner because you think the spanking was undeserved.

We will play under Roman Empire rules: You will be either ostracized/exiled for a period of time for minor violations; consider them warning. Or you will be expelled/killed from the group for major violations. An accumulation of minor screw ups will lead to expulsion. How many small violations? That is for us to know and you to find out the hard way.

Regarding the buying and selling of firearms and ammunition, we are not responsible if you do not follow all applicable laws and more than likely, we will use your legal problems as teaching example on how not to do things. If it requires an FFL, use a darned FFL. Go to Gunbroker.com and use their list to find one.

I figure we will be opening next week. If anybody wants to volunteer to be a mod, let me know ASAP.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “The idea of the forum is alive indeed.”
  1. I am starting a project to connect with every FFL and shooting range in Georgia and urge them to 1) ask their customers, especially the first time buyers, if they are registered voters. You can register on-line in Georgia. 2) Ask them to inform customers that if the 2 senators that will be in the January runoff are democrats, then Harris will be the deciding vote in the Senate on the Biden anti-gun agenda. This program can be seen on the Biden website. It includes “banning” semi-autos in some manner, another 10 round magazine limit, gun confiscation schemes and on and on. 3) Put up signs and have employees urge people to GET OUT AND VOTE! If you can go to a gun store, you can go vote. I welcome any suggestions.

  2. I am starting a project to connect every FFL in Georgia and urge them to 1) ask their customers, especially the first time buyers, if they are registered voters. You can register on-line in Georgia. 2) Ask them to inform customers that if the 2 senators that will be in the January runoff are democrats, then Harris will be the deciding vote in the Senate on the Biden anti-gun agenda. This program can be seen on the Biden website. It includes “banning” semi-autos in some manner, another 10 round magazine limit, gun confiscation schemes and on and on. 3) Put up signs and have employees urge people to GET OUT AND VOTE! If you can go to a gun store, you can go vote. I welcome any suggestions.

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