Let’s have a quick recap of Sam Brinton.

He is a gay, non-binary male who dresses in women’s clothing.

He is most famous for hosting fetish workshops on pup play kink, where he sodomizes men who wear leather abd rubber puppy masks.

He’s a vocal defender of underage gay prostitution.

He was hired by the Biden Administration to be a DOE SES, which is an equivalent government rank to a general and has a Q Clearance.

He was hired despite a whistle-blower publishing a report on how he was technically not qualified for the job he has, meeting only the educational and experience credentials for a GS-11.

Well… his story got weirder.

Non-binary Biden nuclear official charged with stealing woman’s $2.3K luggage at airport

A Biden administration employee – and one of the federal government’s first gender non-binary officials – has been accused of stealing a travelor’s luggage from the Minneapolis airport in September.

Sam Brinton, the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy, was charged with felony theft after allegedly snatching a Vera Bradley suitcase reportedly worth $2,325 from baggage claim at the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport on Sept. 16, according to court documents.

Brinton, who uses they/them pronouns, was captured on surveillance video grabbing the luggage and removing its ID tag identifying the owner, the filings state.

Brinton initially denied stealing the suitcase to police officers, but later claimed they took it by mistake and still had it in their possession.

“If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual,” Brinton first told the officer. “That was my clothes when I opened the bag.”

However, Brinton called the officer back two hours after their first conversation and confessed to not being “completely honest.”

The official was charged with felony theft of a moveable property without consent, as first reported by the local Minnesota outlet, Alpha News.

Brinton — who became one of the government’s first non-binary officials when taking the job — was placed on leave about on month ago following the accusations.

He may be convicted but I doubt it.

If anything, he pleads down to a slap on the wrist because a non-binary, cross dressing pervert is too high on the victim hierarchy to get into any real trouble.

The Federal Government has already ignored more disqualifying points than imaginable, a simple thing like theft is no big deal.

It’s sad to say it but it’s true.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “The incompetentocracy doesn’t care about a potential felony”
  1. Two of the, ah, advantages of a massive government bureaucracy is that incentives differ across the various branches, and stovepiping can be extreme.
    All of which to say, it’s possible the folks who do clearance processing and control (and who can revoke the Q for cause) are maybe looking at a different set of incentives than the people who hired this clown.
    Victim points notwithstanding, even if he’s not fired as such this might actually cost him his posting and title, as a clearance is an arguably harder requirement than education or experience for some jobs. We shall see. The fact that he was placed on leave is a good sign.
    And once again we see zero impulse control….

  2. Soooo, this, um, human got in to MIT and it couldn’t figure that someone would notice that her bag was missing and that there would be cameras at the airport and the hotel.

    Not that bright, eh?

    1. Not that stealing the luggage wasn’t wrong in and of itself, but also what struck me was the idiotic way in which the theft was conducted. Even if it was an impulse thing, zero thoughts given to maintaining plausible deniability if caught and called on it.

          1. Damn, I forgot about him pissing off his betters in the demon party, but that was a long time ago.

  3. Not just the bag is at issue here. A person traveling with a case that expensive more than likely has expensive clothing and accessories. The value of the purloined items could go up to $10 – 50 K, or beyond. Grand Theft much?

    1. As I travel far too much for work, and am in need of new luggage, I looked up Vera Bradley’s line. Their pieces seem to top out around $500-600 – pricey, but not top-tier. So I suspect the $2.3k quoted in the article includes the contents. Bad enough as it is, though.

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