This is what happens when one side has been conditioned to have a low level of frustration and  not to fear retribution for any bad behavior.

“The customer is always right” now has the meaning of “the labor is subservient to me” which is sadly ironic coming from a political side who claims to be for the “little people.”

This will be the new normal till the behavior is changed by harsh examples. The problem is it may take a generation and a stack of bodies for the lesson to be imprinted.

Be ready to be a teacher.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “The increasingly use of “violence” as conflict resolution. (Graphic video)”
  1. And there is nothing that the employees could have done. The customers out numbered them and the employees aren’t armed. Watching the fat woman in yellow just keep punching the employee was bad enough, but to watch the female employee trying to climb to her feet and being wobbly was bad.

    I think that ended with the customer that started that riot in a choke hold, here’s hopping that he clunked his head on the way down to the floor.

    1. Knives? Sure if you want to up the charge to assault with a deadly weapon or possible attempted murder (charge being against the kitchen staff of course)…But the staff should be able to file assault charges against the asshats who went behind the counter and attacked them….Doesn’t help them at the time of the assault though….may make the perps rethink their foolishness in the future…I did notice that instead of just doing a beatdown on the attackers the staff tried to subdue the perps…Next time just punch them out and call the cops.

      1. Schwehr, didn’t you understand that being repeatedly punched in the head is assault creating a risk of death or grave bodily injury? In civilized states, that justifies self-defense with deadly force.
        As for “just punch them out”, how would you do that? Not to mention that a punch sufficient to cause unconsciousness is deadly force, too.

      1. Agreed that dipping a pan of fry oil and “accidentally” splattering a “little” on the assaulter s would change attitudes quickly and massively. Any attempt at charging anyone for “spilling hot grease” would of course fail because the french fried idiots pushed past the staff into a working kitchen and also pushed the staff as they carried hot oils. So the french fries are on them…Literally

  2. If I hadn’t have seen it, I wouldn’t believe it. I’m still not sure that I believe it.

    Too bad deadly defensive force wan’t on the table: those floors are really easy to clean. j/k 8>)

  3. Remember Kids, if a fight/riot/BLM Party breaks out and you are not prepared with a plan…
    That’s YOUR bad…
    In today’s America, the kitchen staff as well as the cashier and waitress should KNOW what each needs to do when things get spicy.
    As mentioned above, the fry cook has a weapon capable of cooling off a small riot…As long as he is prepared and acts calmly and is capable of good aim…If he can’t do that then the person who CAN do that should know a head of time and be prepared to be given the crowd control french fry pot.
    ALL of the other people should also know what their roles are, a waitress who has trouble staying on her feet while fist are flying needs to retreat and get on the phone for help. Everyone can do their part…IF they are prepared.
    Concealed carry on someone that can effectively and safely use that level of force would be something ALL employers should consider.

    1. Most employers WON’T consider that. Why? Because there is no legal liability to an employee when a robber injures or kills your employee. However, there is tremendous legal liability if an employee uses force.

      In short, it is cheaper to allow employees to be killed and simply replace them than it is to pay lawyers and legal settlements when they shoot someone.

  4. The story is that the trio attempted to “dine and dash” but the idiot male forgot his phone. They went back to retrieve it, but the Waffle House staff was holding the phone and demanding payment for the meal. This supposedly happened in Clarksville, Tennessee.

    I do believe that the facts here make this robbery under Tennessee law.
    § 39-13-401
    (a) Robbery is the intentional or knowing theft of property from the person of another by violence or putting the person in fear.

    (b) Robbery is a Class C felony.

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