Remember that Promise Program that Nikolas wasn’t on,  then it turns out he was, and after having years of bad behavior brushed aside he killed 17 kids?

Then the guy who created the Promise Program suggested that parents pull their kids out of school until gun laws get passed?

Oh it gets so much worse.

So much.

Broward Promise administrator could get $24,000 boost in compensation

The Broward County School Board is expected to decide whether to give initial approval to an upgraded job description for Mickey Pope, who made $149,389 as of fall 2017 as executive director of student support services.

It turns out that she did such a good job of ignoring criminal behavior until 17 kids were shot in a school that she is to be rewarded.

If this makes no sense to you, remember the Iron Law of Bureaucracy.  The Promise Program was never about protecting kids.  It was about protecting schools and administrators from having to report high levels of criminal behavior in schools – particularity by minority students – which could negatively affect a school’s funding.

With that in mind, ignoring a kid who said he wanted to be a school shooter until he actually shot up a school, is really excelling at her job.

QED: For her excellence at ignoring every possible warning to protect the school’s budget, the bureaucracy is going to reward her.

For the bureaucracy, a school shooting is the best thing that could happen.  Nobody got fired, nobody is going to jail, everybody is keeping their pensions, and the school gets more money for security and can hire more six figure bureaucrats to manage school security.

No, I’m not being cynical or sarcastic.  This is 100% accurate.

That is fucking horrifying.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The Iron Law strikes again”
  1. Coward County was smart in hitching their failure to the gun control bandwagon asap, which meant any criticism of their programs and failures was automatically linked to those evil racist Republican NRA murder-killers in the eyes of the media and Democrats.
    Which means that neither the school or the Sheriff’s bureaucrats can be held accountable by the majority Democratic population without being seen as NRA sellouts.
    It’s brilliant, in a twisted and Satanic evil sense.

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