I think it is more appropriate than ever that the Richard Jewell movie has come out to lay bare just how much the media is made up of lying pieces of shit.

Take the Army/Navy game on Saturday.

Some cadets got caught on camera playing the circle game.


You know how I can all but 100% guarantee that it was the circle game.

The one cadet is straining not to look to the right, you can tell.  He’s not going to fall for that shit and get punched.

But this is 2019, so the internet is screaming “OK WHITE POWER SYMBOL!!!”

Let me be absolutely clear about this situation.

In early 2017, some 4Chan trolls noticed that the media and the Left (which is redundant) had lost their fucking minds over Donald Trump.

They had no grasp of humor or proportion or sarcasm or anything else.  Every single fucking thing Trump or one of his supporters did made their hair catch on fire.

They believed that Trump was elected solely because of white racism, every Trump supporter was a racist, and white supremacists became the boogieman under every bed in Blue America.

This is not to say that there are no white supremacists, but they are now, just like they have been for a long time, a fringe minority of losers.  They are not the lion’s share of the 63 million Trump voters.

These 4Chan trolls then cooked up a plot of devious simplicity.  They said they were going to use the internet to spread the rumor that the universally known and totally anodyne “OK hand symbol” was really a white power symbol and every celebrity, actor, sports star, politician, etc. who flashed it was supporting white supremacy.

It was a hoax, and it was epic.  Even the ADL admitted it was a hoax.

NPR reported that “The ‘OK’ Hand Gesture Is Now Listed As A Symbol Of Hate.

Here is the thing.  The Trump deranged media bought that shit like an elderly widow on a reverse mortgage.  They swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

When the hoax blew up in their faces, they could not admit that they were wrong.  The media cannot admit that is it wrong or people will lose faith in them (not that most people already have).

Furthermore, the high ranks of the media are made up of Columbia Journalism School and other elite Univeristy graduates.

One thing to understand about those fuck-shits, is that they have been trained to believe that they are never wrong because they were the best and brightest and went to the most prestigious schools.

True story: I was working on a project that I had to present.  During my presentation, another engineer who graduated from MIT challenged me on something.  I told her that she was wrong and why (I had the data to back me up).  She then said, “I can’t be wrong, I went to MIT.”  The eye-rolling that came from every other engineer who went to a state school could have powered a small generator.

So these elite J-school graduate shit-weasels fell for a 4Chan hoax and since they couldn’t admit that they were tricked because they were so afflicted by TDS that they had a functional IQ of about 65, they doubled down.  They went full-tilt claiming that it’s not a hoax, it’s true.

Then they found the few white supremacists who really had an IQ of 65 who also fell for the hoax as evidence.

This horseshit has spread through the ranks of the Left like gospel, because any Lefty who says “wait one fucking second, this was a 4Chan hoax, and every time we lose our minds over this, we look like the stupid jackasses the 4Chan thought we were,” that person will immediately be cast out of the ranks for “defending white supremacism.”

The Left always eats its own for not holding fast to the orthodoxy.

This is the situation.

Army/Navy game 2019.

Some USNA Cadets were fucking around.  Probably because they were bored because they are required to attend the Army/Navy game, even if they don’t give a shit about football.

Their shenanigans were captured on TV, and the rules of Leftist adherence to orthodoxy means that these cades must be destroyed for flashing a white power symbol.  No other option or interpretation is acceptable.

So the media and the Left are going to go full-tilt into destroying the military careers of some Cadets over nothing.

Next comes the handwringing over the white supremacist takeover of the military.

I don’t seem to remember the same pants-shitting hysterics over the Cadet who wrote “Communism will win” in his hat and wore a Che shirt under his uniform at graduation?  Or the number of military officers who have turned into anti-Trump partisan hacks in uniform?  Or the number of

Then there is the shit like this:

Let me be clear about this.  I have spent a long time around veterans, including some Academy grads.  I grew up with kids who went to the best Ivy League schools, which have the same standards as the military academies.

Guess what?

Teenagers are still teenagers, and young men are still young men.  You can put them in the fanciest of uniforms and still, they will occasionally act like the way young men do.  They will fuck around if they think that no one is watching.

The stupid fucks who make the argument “they are our best and brightest and shouldn’t be goofing off” have never been in the ranks of the best and brights and know how much goofing off the best and brightest really do.

Bored, innocuous, shenanigans are not something to destroy a career over.

Remember, a fighter pilot got bored and drew a dick in the sky with a $68 million dollar airplane, because he could.

And I want that guy in my sky because anybody who is that much of a kick-ass awesome fighter-jock should be defending our country.

The speech given by Colonel Jessup is absolutely true.  So when some Special Forces guy takes pictures with some Taliban fighter he killed like it was a nine-point buck, it was right for Trump to pardon him.  I need operators who like to hunt terrorists on keeping me safe.  I’ll start to give a fuck when he starts eating the terrorists.  The hippies can all go fuck-themselves with a keyhole saw when they bitch about how military personnel don’t blow off steam like some Oberlin panty-waists in a safe space.

And personally, if some good cadets end up ruined because the media refuses to admit that they are a bunch of histrionic fucks who gut punked by 4Chan and decide to Jewell these kids to cover their own ineptitude.  I hope to God something very bad and extraordinarily painful happens to them

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “The Jewelling of the Midshipmen over teenage shenanigans”
  1. Interesting bit about MIT…. I’ve never encountered that, but I can believe that it happens, because the set of MIT graduates, like the set of human beings in general, has a non-empty intersection with the set of assholes.

    For me, MIT was, in part, a humbling experience. We all know, intellectually, that , whatever we can do, someone, somewhere in the world, can do it so much better than we can that we’ll never share the same playing field. If you went to MIT, you’ve met that person, so there’s a name and a face on that, in both your academic and non-academic endeavors.

    On the other hand, having graduated from MIT, I know, with absolute confidence, that, whenever one of those elitist assholes starts in on the “if only the right people were in charge….,” or, “if only the smart people were in charge…,” not only are they provable incorrect, the people to whom they’re referring are almost invariably NOT the “right,” “smartest,” or “best” peole for the job.

    Finally, I’ve worked, and volunteered, with some of the smartest, well-read, and competent people I’ve ever met, who had no formal education beyond high school (or, in one case, a GED instead of high school). It has been my experience that even MIT graduates can learn from experiences of that nature.

    1. I did have a somewhat similar experience experience with an MIT alumna (undergrad). A common acquaintance (a very nice older woman, who taught me quite a bit about proper shooting) asked me to give that MIT girl a ride. Well, I heard a lot
      about stereotypical millennials, but never believed the rumors. Moreover, I dealt with them in professional capacity without any issues. But I guess I never was introduced to them without my credentials ????

      That MIT girl only knew me as a friend of our nice common acquaintance, whose diplomas stopped at high school (not the education) and who preferred to live her whole life in a small rural town.

      To make a long story short, that MIT girl treated me like dirt. Like dumb servant supplied to perform her commands and to bow to her greatness. The words thank you and please did not appear to exist in her vocabulary. And disdain was overflowing 🙂

      When I tried during the very long ride to ask her about her occupation, the reaction was something like you stupid serfs would not appreciate my greatness 🙂 Well, the problem was, that we did. Well enough to see the absence of understanding of both the subject and approaches used. Her job appeared to be to run a couple of programs, written by somebody else, on data, wisely preselected by somebody else, and document the results. But the attitude 🙂

      The creature was shocked to her core to hear at the end of her ride that I taught some of the kids from her course as a TA at MIT 🙂

      The moral of the story is, as Ivan mentioned, we are not all like that 🙂

  2. So these elite J-school graduate shit-weasels fell for a 4Chan hoax and since they couldn’t admit that they were tricked because they were so afflicted by TDS that they had a functional IQ of about 65, they doubled down. They went full-tilt claiming that it’s not a hoax, it’s true.

    The total population of non-journalists in America who think that the OK symbol is really for “White Power” could probably fit in a phone booth together. For sure you could put them all in one, small, MacDonald’s. Add in journalists and suddenly it’s filling a big football stadium.

  3. The thing about the fictional Jessup speech is, he’s both right and wrong.
    He is right in that we want rough men ready to do violent things to defend the rest of us. It is, for both sides, an honor to serve and be served by such men. Their commitment to the job is to be commended, praised, and honored. But they themselves must recognize, with that commitment comes a responsibility to uphold the values we entrust in them to defend. That enhanced responsibility is the result of a brighter light, shining on their actions. In the case of the fictional Jessup, he crossed over a line of protecting those under his command. The chacter Hal’s conclusion is the correct one; we’re supposed to fight for people who can’t fight for themselves, including at times, those who share the uniform. (https://youtu.be/1EQQYeRAT3o) Jessup may have been correct, that Willy’s death probably would have saved lives in the long run, if he were placed in a situation that he couldn’t fullfill his role. However Jessup failed in that task, through is own arrogance. As a result Willy was killed because of it, and Markinson commited suicide as a result of it.

    Now, with regards to the real Gallagher, he, under the stress and the heat of a moment I’m assuming, took an action that visibly is distasteful to the general populace, but one I as a human being can acknowledge as not being maleveolent due to the extreme environment he was operating under. Perhaps it is an exhibition of a crack in his personal granite, but I wouldn’t put it as one that should result in the man being destroyed. If his career were to stall and he were honorably discharged at current rank at some point in the future, I would not find fault in that, and I would hope Gallagher would agree. The same could be said for our phallic art work creating pilot(s); I would not want them discharged either, simply because boys will be boys, but again there is a demonstration of lack of restraint that has to give one pause. As they are young their indiscretions can be forged out of them, but we need to be sure the inclusions are removed, less their forging breaks under strain.

  4. And this sort of “stupid hi-jinx” goes down everywhere. I believe that MIT is famous for this sort of thing.

    The engineering students at my school took a professors car apart enough to get it through the doors into the engineering building, took it up to the third floor and into the hallway outside his office, and put it back together, in the hallway, in running condition.

    The hallway was so narrow that they had to skinny through the windows to get in and out of the car.

    These were the smartest and sharpest of the university. And it was the middle of exams week. So they blew off a little steam.

    My practical joke was switching a few dozen bits on a fellow students project so it changed his screen from one thing to “HMS sinking…” Which showed up when he went to demo his project.

    Boss dude (It was an internship for a place on an internal support/development group), comes down, gives a lecture about professionalism and how this sort of thing was not cool. The actual instructors made it about 1/2 way through boss dude’s lecture before their snickers got the best of them and the boss dude figured out that everybody in the intern program, all the instructors and all the other interns knew about the joke, it was only HMS his self that didn’t.

    I’ve met some really really smart people out of M.I.T. and Johns Hopkins and UCB (computer science nerd) but the smart ones were smart because they were always learning and always willing to learn, from anybody. I’ve also met those that operated with a closed mind and a small mountain on their shoulder. Those normally fell flat on their faces.

  5. “They knew exactly what it meant the white supremacists have been infiltrating our military for years ,I always dismissed such talk as conspiracy theories but not anymore perhaps the one good thing Trump has done is showing the American people the ugly side of the far right .”

    Uh, Suzanne, perhaps you meant, ” They knew exactly what the voices in my head say it meant”, didn’t you?

  6. “They knew exactly what it meant the white supremacists have been infiltrating our military for years ,I always dismissed such talk as conspiracy theories but not anymore perhaps the one good thing Trump has done is showing the American people the ugly side of the far right .”

    Uh, Suzanne, perhaps you meant, ” They knew exactly what the voices in my head say if meant”, don’t you?

  7. Interesting side note that the two MIT assholes (one encountered by JKb and one by A) were both female. Of course, “data” is not the plural of “anecdote,” but I wonder how much of the observed assholishness is generational and how much is genderational. And, with regard to the latter, there’s an interesting bit of argument going on in parts of academia…. https://vdare.com/articles/are-women-destroying-academia-probably

    YMMV, of course…

    1. 2 is too small a sample.

      But generally:


      I can speak only about hard core STEM, this is the area I know reasonably well. I met, studied with, worked with, taught and was taught by some brilliant women.

      The caveat: those women were there because of their academic /engineering achievements, not because of some social justice fiction.

      The engineering college I went to as an undergrad admitted less than 10% of women, strictly on scores, and only because they added bioengineering department. Before that it was 1%.

      The 1st year attrition rate was brutal. Everybody who survived deserved to be there. The people were either hardworking, or brilliant, or both. The attrition rate was high even after 2nd year.

      Every single girl there was because she was very good at math and physics. Even bioengineering students got 3 years of quantum physics. You did not pass, you got kicked out.

      Untill I came to the US I lived under an illusion that math was a ‘women’ s’ subject, because the majority of CPAs I knew were women 🙂

      What ruins everything is undeserved promotion.

      My daughters are gifted in Math and Physics. I dread people looking at them in the future and thinking that they achieved something not because of their talents and insanely hard work, but because of their sex

      /rant over

      P. S. I do prefer male management, though 🙂

  8. Yes, a sample size of two is anecdote, not data. So far, I haven’t found data–just articles like the one I referenced, and the non-fact-driven “discussions” such articles have provoked in the academic press, the blogosphere, and on twitter. For example, https://vdare.com/articles/women-in-universities-iu-s-provost-lauren-robel-dean-idie-kesner-show-why-women-in-universities-are-not-a-good-thing

    MIT used to admit by grades and test scores. The admissions folks put all the applicants on a grid, and everyone above the cutoff was offered admission, and everyone below the line was not. My freshman class was 25% female, which was, at the time, a record for MIT, and brought the total undergraduate population up to 20% female. Most of the women were in biology, architecture, urban studies & planning, and the like, but there were enough in math, physics, and the various engineering disciplines to be noticable.

    About 25 years ago or so, MIT started focusing on admitting “more well rounded students.” At the time, I argued that they were moving away from their primary mission–rather than routinely admitting the genius social misfits (mostly male), they were moving to admit students who would do well in any first-tier school, and, in so doing, they were losing an essential part of what made MIT what it was. Today, their entering classes are about 50/50, and the culture of the place seems to have shifted from “let’s follow the data where it leads,” to “let’s try to fit the data to the outcomes we want to see.” Just take a look at how much crap about “alternative energy” makes it into Tech Review.

    It seems to me that the women in, as you put it, “hard core STEM,” aren’t the problem. Rather, whatever problem there is stems from the women in softer STEM fields and non-STEM fields. But I’m still looking for data.

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