These are the teenage Kapo following Goebbels Jr. on his march for gun control.

If you don’t think they are morally bankrupt and historically stupid, here is another Tweed from this terrible hashtag.

If you are not familiar with that story, a Palestinian girl walked into the security perimeter of an Israeli military base, carrying a bag, past signs and warnings not to enter.  She was eventually fired upon under suspicion that she was a terrorist.  The Palestinians have been using more women and children as terrorists knowing that Israeli soldiers are more reluctant to shoot them and it makes for bad optics when they do.

If that girl had not been shot, it would have taught the Palestinians that if they strap a bomb to a teenage girl they can get that bomb into a military installation.

But sure, a teenage Palestinian girl ignoring an halt order inside the security perimeter of a military base is exactly the same thing as getting shot by a mad man in a school.

Only to a fucking retard with Liberal moral equivalency.  Maybe this asshole needs to put on a backpack and try to cross the security perimeter of Andrews ABF when Trump is flying in.

This is why I have a hard time going to Synagogue.

Passover is coming up.  An entire holiday about the fact the Jews were once slaves.  Yom HaShoah – Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day – is a month away.  Jews are getting stabbed all over the world, but the Union for Reform Judaism wants gun control.

What horrible bullshit is that.


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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The Kapo-cabana”
  1. I for the life of me still cannot understand how jews want gun control after what occured in world war 2.

    1. It’s that whole “those that do not learn history are doomed to repeat it” thing. I wonder if they will get the clue when they are getting in the boxcars?

      1. Won’t be boxcars this time. It’ll be tour busses. Destination will be the same; the ride will be smoother.

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