Reading J. Kb’s post:

First of all, Latin people pretty much hate the term Latinx.  Spanish is a gendered language and trying to make it gender neutral by putting an “x” on the end isn’t Spanish.  It’s what woke white people do to make themselves seem woke and inclusive when really they are bastardizing a foreign language.  He identified the Latin woman as a women, so the correct word would be Latina.  That he still chose to use the Latinx is proof positive that this person is a preening woke douche bag.

Let me clear one thing for the non-Spanish speakers which include a lot of Latinexes pendejos who were raised in homes where Spanish was not the everyday language. There are three grammatical genders in the Spanish language: Masculine, Feminine and Neutral. That means we have words and phraseology that are considered male, female, genderless or are used to encompass both male and female.

It is perhaps one of the most confusing parts of the language. What determines masculinity and femininity in a word or expression can be done via rules or usage but once is settled, it pretty much stays forever. Now, the words Latino and Latina have been brought as excuse to come up with the BS Latinx, but let’s get one thing out-of-the-way: No person of the Spanish Language persuasion would have written Latinx but rather Latinex. If there is a vowel sound, we write it down, specially when it comes combined with the “x” which is one of the least used letters in the language. Trying to pronounce latinx in Spanish sounds like you are trying to dislodge a ball of bloody mucus from your throat.

Now back to Latino/Latina. There are several things that determine the gender in the Spanish language and we simply do not have the time to go over, as not many would understand when those of us raised in the language still can’t. But one of the things you learn is that there are words that can be both applied to a specific gender or to be gender neutral and one of those words is (surprise!) latino.

So when you have a woke moron using the word Latinx to encompass both genders under the excuse of neutrality, slap him. He is an ignorant asshole trying to look woke cool to the rest of the freshman girlies. Slap twice and catapult* across the southern borders if the offender is from the Latino heritage and tell him not to come back till he has learned the language according to the rules of the Academia De La Lengua Española.

So, Latino is the proper term for both male and female in Spanish. Use it in good grammar and health.

(* Trebuchets are also allowed)

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The Latinx thing.”
  1. IT must have been coined by someone who doesn’t speak English either.

    Latinx comes out as Latinks… Latin-X gets what they’re aiming for.

    Never mind that the default, and they hate this, gender in Germanic languages is male. It doesn’t have a neuter gender pronoun.

    So the generic, proper, no-gender intended term in proper English is: Latino. Yes, just like if you’re intending to assign a male gender. English is, like few other languages, very context driven. I guess we could have gone tonal, but that would have meant giving up on stealing words from other languages.

  2. Actually, a bunch of Germanic languages (like German and Dutch) do have a neuter grammatical gender and neuter pronouns. However, they don’t use the neuter pronoun as the gender-neutral pronoun for humans — for that purpose the masculine pronoun is used, exactly as it is in correct English.
    I guess part of the problem is that woke people are by definition both stupid and ignorant. But apart from that, if they only know English, which is likely to be the case, they wouldn’t be aware of “grammatical gender” which is only a linguistic concept with no sociological or political angles whatsoever. And, as John Ciardi once said, “language does what it does because it does so”. There is no rational explanation for why a given word in a given language has a particular grammatical gender. Why is a ship grammatically feminine in English and Dutch, but grammatically masculine in Russian? Why is a table feminine in Latin (but masculine in French)? I have no idea, and no one else does either. But if you think that there is only one language and it is modern English, then you might think that there is some evil politically incorrect basis for all these oddball tidbits of grammar.

    1. Duh, what happened to my brain… “ship” is masculine in French (and Russian, if Tom Clancy did his research correctly), feminine in English, and neuter in Dutch and German.
      Another interesting tidbit is that “child” is grammatically neuter in Dutch and German, and therefore takes the neuter pronoun (equivalent of “it”). And diminutives are always neuter, so while “man” is masculine and “woman” is feminine, “little man” and “girl” are both neuter. All nice proof that attempting to tie ideological notions to these grammar rule is clearly the work of idiots.

  3. This reminds me of one of my favorite tumblr blogs. The two things that anger Enrique262 the most are latinx and Venezuelan socialism. I think the only thing he hates more is FARC because he’s a Colombian who lives in Maracaibo.

  4. Personally, I prefer “Hispanic” to describe myself. Latino comes from the root Latin, hence any language that’s derived from Latin should qualify as Latino. Italians and Portuguese would have to be considered Latino.

    Hispanic, I believe describes Spanish speaking peoples better. Besides, Latino sounds very swarthy to me.

  5. I describe myself as Cuban, since hispanic and latin are constructs invented by those that love to classify people,

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