When you study what life was like under the KGB or Stasi in a Communist country, one think you learn about is the every present sense of uneasiness.

That was by design.

People never felt comfortable.  They never knew who was an informant or if what they were doing was right.  The rules changed frequently, enforcement was selective and capricious.

They could never relax and assume they were safe.

Welcome to Woke America.

Woman raped on train as bystanders did nothing, police say

A woman was raped by a stranger on a commuter train in suburban Philadelphia in the presence of other riders who a police official said “should have done something.”

The entire episode was captured on surveillance video that showed other people on the train at the time, Bernhardt said.

“There was a lot of people, in my opinion, that should have intervened; somebody should have done something,” Bernhardt said. “It speaks to where we are in society; I mean, who would allow something like that to take place? So it’s troubling.”

Interesting that they say witnesses should have called the police.

Forbes told us quite clearly “Stop Calling The Police On Black People.”

That was actually a very common message last year.

So do we call the police when we watch a rape happening or not if the perpetrator is a POC?

What else do we do?

Do we use force, then let the media call us violent, racist, vigilantes?

Because the media never lies about confrontations like that by white Hispanics or Catholic School kids on a field trip.

The result is we are all stuck in limbo, knowing what is right but not knowing how to act upon it without being totally destroyed by the woke mob.

All the time criminals run rampant.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “The Left has achieved its dream”
  1. You criminalize self defense and ‘good Samaritan’ intervention, this is what happens.

    Don’t call it a grave, Philadelphia; it’s the future you chose and voted for.

  2. That police chief has a lot of nerve, holding civilians to a higher standard than the police. Is he trying to pretend not to know about “no duty to intervene”?

    1. She. Philadelphia has a she named Outlaw as Police Chief. She used to run Portland PD before she failed upward.

      1. Oh, ok. But when I learned English I learned that in English (as in several other languages such as my native Dutch) the pronoun for unspecified or unknown or either gender is “he”. And the fact that illiterate leftists are trying to force me to act contrary to that knowledge isn’t working.

  3. “The result is we are all stuck in limbo, knowing what is right but not knowing how to act upon it without being totally destroyed by the woke mob.”

    And, that is exactly where I am right now. Not interfering. Unless it is someone that I have a close personal relationship with, they are on their own. There are too many woke individuals that are more than willing to destroy another person’s life because a twitbook post outraged them.

  4. Not to mention you help ANYONE out, be it flat tire or rape and ANYONE can decide to sue you over some imagined thing you caused by “helping”.

  5. Feminists have assured me that she’s a stronk, independent womyn who don’t need no man and can take care of herself. Good. Let her handle her own defense.

    1. Those feminists’ allies on the Left have simultaneously assured me that if she carried a gun for self-defense, it would just be taken from her and used against her — because she’s too weak to handle it properly, or something — and the proper defense is to vomit, urinate, and/or defecate on herself.

      Instead of empowering women to act in their own defense, the Left thinks they should choose between the ultimate personal violation of being raped or the indignity of spending the rest of the day with vomit/piss/sh*t all over themselves. Granted, the latter is better than the former, but wouldn’t the best thing be to stop the rapist and avoid either of the Left’s crappy and degrading options?

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