Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., assigned partial blame to Facebook for last week’s riots and indicated Friday that Congress’ response should focus on holding Big Tech accountable rather than ramping up domestic surveillance.

“He is part of this problem,” Ocasio-Cortez said, referring to CEO Mark Zuckerberg. “And Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook bear partial responsibility for Wednesday’s events, period.”

Ocasio-Cortez, who spoke during a video town hall meeting, went on to argue that Facebook was “trying to do as much damage control as possible, but they knew. Not only did they know but they allowed it.”

AOC says Zuckerberg, Facebook bear ‘partial responsibility’ for Capitol riots

You figure that with all the billions they make, they would have a couple of analysts or historians working for them and telling them “You know these lefty assholes? They always end up stabbing those who help them. Maybe you should be careful.” But nope, they expected to be allowed to exercise control when the Socialists really like to have all the control themselves and, of course, they will chop your nuts off so you don’t use the same media propaganda techniques against them.

So to Zuckerberg: Fuck you, you built the wall that is going to be the backdrop for your firing squad.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The Left has no loyalty gene and chops the hand that helps them”
  1. The “Useful Idiots” never seem to grasp the idea that only one person can exercise control in a socialist utopia. Whether it’s the Party Secretary, der Führer, or Il Duce, when the idiots cease to be useful, or attempt to exercise a modicum of independence, the long knives come out.

  2. I recommend a great book called “the Problem With Socialism ”
    Goes into detail about nazi, fascist, and Russian Socialism, and even Swedish Socialism…. all failed.
    As we know, and the leftist’s don’t, Socialism is built on fake “truths” i.e., a house of cards.

  3. Zuckerberg and Dorsey have lost over $50,000,000,000 between them since kicking the presdient of the United States off their platforms. And that number apparently continues to rise.

    The left played a very dangerous game, and it appears they may well have lost. Perhaps there’s something to American exceptionalism, after all.

  4. Zuckerborg at this point probably owns most of the democrat party and a large portion of the republicans.

    Silicon Valley has nothing to worry about from the United States government since they in 3 days will be fully running the United States government.

    1. Just like certain German industrialists “owned” Hitler and “knew” they could control his worst excesses.

      Biden is a figurehead, the real power in the Democrat Party is the hard core socialists, although sorting out which one ends up running the show could be entertaining.

  5. People like AOC exist for a reason- to make the more mainstream types like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, et al look more sane and mainstream.
    So, when AOC proposes something nuts out crazy, it frightens the mundanes. Thus, any alternative that isn’t bug nuts is accepted with a feeling of relief.
    Plus, rejecting her spew looks like “bipartisanship” and “compromise”.

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