On Sunday, there were more protests in St. Louis, Missouri.

The protesters broke open the gate of a gated community and marched through an entirely private residential area.


The goal of their breaking and entry was to march on the house of Mayor Lyda Krewson and intimidate her into resigning because she publicly identified those who want to defund and disband the St. Louis police.

What happened on route to intimidate the mayor was unexpected for the protesters and now they are all very salty about it.

Given everything we have seen from other “peaceful protests,” I do not think their reaction was overblown.  Where protesters have marched, destruction has followed.

As a point of reference, the home that this couple lives in is a historic palazzo that is over a century old, that they have been painstakingly restoring for the last 32 years.

This is the sign from the street the protesters were marching on:


Yes, the protesters had broken down a gate and marched on a private drive and got guns pointed at them so they kept on moving without doing any more damage, so now they are taking their frustrations out the only way they know how.

The couple is being doxxed, subjected to meme treatment, and people online are suggesting that they be disbarred (they are both attorneys).

The protesters were entirely in the wrong here.

What upsets the protesters is that these two people made it very clear that their property was not going to be destroyed any further and they were not going to be victimized.

This is why the Left wants gun control, so when their Red Guard mob comes for you, you cannot hold them off with arms.

I suspect we are going to see much more of this as these protests continue and more and more people realize when you give the mob room they will use it to destroy.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “The Left is butthurt that a couple refused to let them loot and destroy”
  1. I think the Mrs. needs something a little more formidable than a Taurus TCP in the future. With that kind of cash they are bound to have, some SR-15s or even a transferable belt fed and the freedom seeds for both shouldn’t be a problem.

    And they might well need it.

    1. It’s likely her carry pistol, but, yeah, maybe she needs a shotgun or rifle for home defense.

      (And, yes, some training.)

    1. Yep — the BLM idiots should know better than to trespass on private property in a castle doctrine state.

  2. Oh, Mr dwight, who never came back to apologize is back. They might have been muzzling and they might have actually gotten fingers on triggers. But there was no accidental discharges.

    Many of the pro-gun side have suggested they need some more training. Heck, I was unhappy that he didn’t have extra mags for that AR-15 with him.

    A MOB by definition is dangerous. Dwight’s strawman is there for all to see. “They gun owners didn’t do it *right* so it doesn’t count. Why aren’t you screaming at them for not doing it right!”

    They did it right enough. I suspect that they are going to be taking a few more classes in the near future.

    1. This is the equivalent to “you misspelled ‘you’re’ as ‘your’ so your entire thesis and all the factual arguments you made are invalid.”

      It’s the hallmark of the Chairborne Ranger keyboard warrior.

    2. >They might have been muzzling and they might have actually gotten fingers on triggers. But there was no accidental discharges.

      Honestly in that situation, who cares. If the mob didn’t want guns pointed at them, maybe they should stay away?

      1. Blackice85, I’m sorry if my intentions were unclear. To be more clear I don’t care if they had poor trigger discipline or they muzzled people.

        For all I know they had never chambered a round. I’d consider that a bad choice, but as was stated in a later posting, they might be new gun owners.

        Or that could be the AR15 he picked up in 1986 and hasn’t shot since 1986. Notice milspec style aluminum magazine. Fixed stock, A2 style front sight, looks to be stock delta-ring forward hand guard.

        I did look at the twitter jerks making fun of them. Upset because he muzzled her. But from the stills presented it looks like she was behind the muzzle. People making fun of the stock under his arm pit. It isn’t like it is going to take that long for him to shoulder that weapon.

        From everything I see, he might actually have some old school training. She not so much. Her elbow is bent to far. But they didn’t ever go into “I’m going to shoot you” mode. It was just “We are ready.”

        They did what they needed to do to defend themselves and their property. More power to them. My hope is tat somebody in the local gun community offers them some free training. If nothing else, her arm will get less tired holding at a low ready.

        1. Oh I agree, sorry I wasn’t clear either. I don’t want anyone to get hurt but I won’t shed tears for any of these ‘protestors’ if they catch a bullet either. I think there’s a good chance they’re new gun owners too. It sounds like they were pretty reasonable considered that mob had just torn down a gate to break their way into the neighborhood.

  3. “This is why the Left wants gun control, so when their Red Guard mob comes for you, you cannot hold them off with arms.”

    Should that happen, Comrade Molotov has provided a recipe for drinks to welcome our Antifa guests!

    Coupla Red Brigade Richard Pryor wannabes, and perhaps the rest of the crowd will remember pressing business, elsewhere…

    Assuming, of course, that my personal preferred occurrence of “LMTFA!” is not granted to me.

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