Last Tuesday was the 70th Anniversary of the Communist regime in China.  If you watched the video I posted yesterday you will understand why this is a day of mourning, not celebration.

Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow with the Heritage Foundation, decided to put that day in perspective with this Tweet.

You would think that this would sober people up.  Make them think twice about China and the horrors that were committed in the name of Chinese Communism.

Never underestimate the hatred of envious Leftists.


Is that enough examples?  Because there are hundreds of replies like this.

What you see in these comments is pure, distilled, class hatred.  Each one of these people lives somewhere, feels entitled to the place they are living in, and rather than pay rent they want to kill the person who owns it and keep the property for themselves without paying.

They want the government to commit armed robbery and murder on their behalf, and they consider that to be a moral position.

If you want to understand why I am a gun owner and feel the way I do, it’s because I was a landlord for a period of time.

I had to relocate for work on short notice.  I didn’t have time to sell my place in Chicago so rented it out so I could afford rent in Omaha.  I didn’t profit on my place, but I did cover costs.

I have a buddy who was let go of his job and had to relocate for work.  He is doing the same thing now that I did.

My father-in-law moved in with his girlfriend and so decided to rent out his place as a second source of income.

None of us are or were slum lords.  I responded to my tenants needs and went out of pocket when they needed a new water heater.

I was just trying to avoid paying for two houses at the same time when I wasn’t living in one of them.

None of that would have mattered to Mao or his forces, and I doubt it would matter to these people here.

I, and my buddy and father-in-law, would have been forced onto our knees and shot in the back because we rented out our homes.

Out there, there are countless thousands of people who want to murder me because I let people stay in a house I had purchased and performed maintenance on in exchange for money.

When you let the gravity of that sink into you, you can see when I have a gun-owning, ammo-stockpiling, visceral hatred for socialists and communists.



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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “The Left proves once again how much they hate you and want to kill you – Maoism edition”
  1. So they want universal, gov’t owned/controlled, public housing. Imagine Cabrini Green nationwide.

    1. “Cabrini Green” is actually a very optimistic picture. The reality would be far worse once there is no longer a private option for anyone.
      “Medicare for All” is another example. I prefer to call that “IHS for all” (or, less obscurely, “VA for all”) because those more accurately represent what you’d get. No more medical innovation, rationing, more severe rationing the older you get, government deciding whether your child is fit to be kept alive, etc. All these can be seen in England today.

  2. Actually, in a manner of speaking, I agree with all the asshats you quoted.

    Clearly it is way more moral to destroy the surplus property, rather than allow these parasites to invest it. Let them sleep on the street.

    In addition, once Da Goobermint is their landlord, I’ll sip my tasty not cup of schadenfreude, watching them get stuff fixed. Like rooves. Or water heaters. Or, really, much of anything. Because, after all, if it doesn’t get fixed, you can, then, move and give your money to some other landlord….no, wait…..

    Or, of course, take the Socialist Workers Paradise Department of Housing The Heroic Workers, to court.

    THAT ought to work out well!

  3. Actually, in a manner of speaking, I agree with all the assuage you quoted.

    Clearly is is way more moral to destroy the surplus property, father than allow these parasites to invest it. Let them sleep on the strert.

    In addition, and Da Goobermint is their landlord, I’ll sip my tasty not cuP of schadenfreude, watching them get stuff fixed. Like rooves. Or water heaters. Or, rsally, much of anything. Bdcause, after all, if it doesn’t get fixed, you can, then, move and give your money to some other landlord….no, wait…..

    Or, of course, take the Socialist Workers Paradise Department of Housing The Heroic Workers, to court.

    THAT ought to work out well!

  4. Like you, I had to relocate before I could sell my house. Fortunately, my parents lived in town and managed the place. I was such a terrible landlord that when my tenants decided to buy a place of their own, their friends were begging mom and dad to move in as soon as the previous tenants moved out. One family even offered to paint the place if I bought the paint, of course I agreed. Over many years that I sojourned around the country, I never had to advertise for tenants, word of mouth is great.

  5. Communism is the moral philosophy for people who dream about becoming bank robbers, but are too intimidated by the security guard with the walkie-talkie to actually rob said bank.

  6. Did he not also – like his follower, Pol Pot – liquidate various intellectuals, professors, students who questioned his authority? Would the commie suckbots also enjoy that>?

    1. One of the first things that happens after a revolution is that the revolutionaries get put against the wall and shot.
      Especially those who didn’t support Big Brother before he was able to win the inner party power struggle.
      They fought one revolution- they could do it again.

      1. The Montagnards always turn on the Girondins, sooner or later.

        Then Robespierre will turn on the Montagnards, and the Montagnards will turn on Robespierre.

        Then Napoleon swoops in.

        They’re called “revolutions” because they go ‘round and ‘round in a wheel.

  7. The Black Book of Communism documented instances of Chinese Communists serving the local “rich men” to the local peasants. Apparently with rice and vegetables.

  8. Envy is one of the strongest emotions for a lot of people. Some of us see a BMW go by and think, “Nice car,” or, “Maybe if I work a bit harder I could buy a car like that.”

    Others see the BMW and think, “I can’t have a car like that. They shouldn’t be allowed to have one,” or, “Is there a big rock at my feet?,” or, even worse, “I wish I had an RPG.”

    I was sorry to see the rifle is a P-14 or P-17 Enfield, the same general type used by people fighting for freedom, not to support tyranny.

    1. Avarice and greed are perhaps the main motivating factor(s) in human existence. No matter how “virtuous” you are, you always want more. And, there is no bounds to that greed either. Professional athlete A signs a contract for $90M over three years, and he is rather happy. Right up until he sees that athlete signed a contract for $100 over three years. And, then the trashtalking starts.

      Give the average family $30M a year, and they would have a tough time spending all of it, but this guy wants more. Not because he earned it, but because someone else got more than he did.

      1. “People on all levels of income are better off [in 1990] than they were in 1979. The Honorable Gentleman [Labor M.P. Simon Hughes] is saying that he would rather that the poor were poorer, provided that the rich were less rich. That way one will never create the wealth for better social services, as we have. What a policy! Yes, he would rather have the poor poorer, provided that the rich were less rich! That is the liberal policy!” — Margaret Thatcher, 22 November 1990

        Baroness Thatcher was dead on with her summary of liberal policy: they’re happy to see the poor stay poor, so long as the rich don’t grow richer. It’s a very primitive, very irrational part of human psychology buried deep in our monkey brain… Give three out of four people two scoops of free ice cream, then give the fourth person three scoops. Even grown adults will fuss about how it is “unfair,” totally ignoring that they got free ice cream. They’re unhappy the other guy got more.

        Liberalism / Progressivism / Communism is a moral philosophy of envy, greed, and treats emotion as superior to reason in all things. Orwell’s Newspeak called it “bellyfeel,” the enthusiastic acceptance of an emotional appeal… It’s why the left, as a whole, despises Western philosophies of Rhetoric, Stoicism, Logic; why they want to erase Socrates, Kant, and others from the canon; and why they loathe most western religions but especially loathe Catholicism and Judaism. Any sort of philosophy or religion that teaches people to think rationally and to ignore their emotional bellyfeel is the enemy.

        Witness Ocasio-Cortez’s asserting it’s fine to be “morally correct” and factually inaccurate; Witness Biden telling an audience they believe in “the truth over facts”; or that video from early summer where the shaven headed hippie dippy White girl tells a bunch of African-American MAGA hat wears that we should listen to our feelings and not facts because emotions are more real than reality.

  9. Ish nailed it! I’m saving that comment, as it wraps up so much of leftist thought in a couple of short paragraphs. Awesome!

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