As much as I wanted to rag on my L(l)ibertarian friends when I posted this in Facebook, I held because a lot of them are really nice (armed) folks and they are sicker than anybody else about what a joke the Libertarian institutions have become.

As much as they wanted to be open to all comers and they did, the Libertarians allowed themselves to be taken over by Socialism and Anarchism under their Blog Tent-Take-Everybody tent. They assumed that whomever wanted to carry the label of L(l)ibertarian, it must be a good and trustworthy person who will faithfully represent the movement. Instead they got a dose of political cancer that sent away the true followers (“I am a small “L” libertarian!”) and hollowed out  the party. The uninformed will continue to vote for the candidates spelled out by the party because they are properly tagged and it will sink the movement even more.

The only thing that is not making happy is the lack of desire that the real L(l)ibertarians have on rescuing the movement. If something is not done soon, the mane will be associated forever with Socialism and its goals.

I guess it was nice till it lasted.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “The Libertarian Party: Socialism Light (Low Calories, Gluten and GMO Free)”
    1. I agree- they went from individual liberty to free weed for everyone, then anarchy, and now are just socialism light.

  1. Hi, my name is Nuke and I’m a recovering Libertarian.

    Seriously, I’ve voted for Libertarians in the past, as a protest vote. The idea being that if enough people voted Libertarian, a serious discussion on individual liberties and constitutional limits on government could be held (yeah I know I was naive). Eventually I realized that the Libertarians would never get more than 3% of the vote and would never be taken seriously by either party. The last election the big “L” party went off the deep end and abandoned most if not all of their core values. I still believe in individual liberty and small (constitutional) government. I no longer believe in any party. I generally support the Republicans as being closer to my personal values, however, they are no longer the party of small government. The Democrats occasionally have good ideas, but lately gone bat crap crazy socialist.

  2. Ditto Nuke. I’d kind of gone off the big-L Libertarians these past several years, then in 2016 they went and nominated a RINO (a seriously not-libertarian RINO) for President without bothering to wait for the primaries.
    The Party has definitely gotten much more Libertine than Libertarian, but, alas, hasn’t updated its name accordingly.

  3. What’s the name of that law? O’Sullivan’s law.

    All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.”

  4. Hence why I sometimes call myself a ‘conservatarian’.

    The LP for me jumped the shark last cycle with Gary Johnson’s bizarre antics and his VP actually endorsing Hillary.

    1. Charles C.W. Cooke wrote a book called “The Conservatarian Manifesto”, it’s worth checking out. I don’t know if he still writes for National Review, but he was one of the better ones there.

  5. Don’t forgot the Chair of the LP attacked the McClosky’s for defending themselves. What a joke the LP is (from a small l libertarian)

  6. If you read the comments on the site, you will find that pretty much none of the readers (here I am assuming that the commenters are actual readers and not trolls) agrees with the opinion of the author. The “libertarian” tent is highly individualistic, and to ascribe a doctrinal attitude of libertarians towards the opinion of one writer for would be cartoonish. I’m a libertarian. If someone violates the NAP towards me, God help him.

    1. I suspect it has more to do with the leadership wanting a seat at the media cool kids table, and nothing to do with the people who are sick of big government.

  7. The guy I look to for real libertarian ideas is L. Neil Smith. He’s been a Trump supporter for a couple of years now, for reasons he will tell you about at length (his blog is He dumped the organized party years ago, for reasons similar to the ones discussed here, especially the lack of principle and the “cool kids” thing.
    BTW, on the 3% thing, true at the national level. Not necessarily more local; NH had several elected Libertarians in the state house. Heck, I got 11% some decades ago, in spite of a campaign that cost $0 and involved one newspaper interview and a GONH questionnaire that netted me an NRA “A” rating.

  8. Yup, I’ll be voting for Trump, again.
    If i can get me and mine 4 more years of a Delaying Tactic President, i am all in.

    You do realize this is all We can hope for. Delay to Prepare and gather information.

    Ourside(alleged Republicans(The Re-Pubes) just continue to let the Enemy Operate Freely and Openly all in the name of….

    pic one…Fear(which i get), Democracy, The “Con-Stee too show”, Merca and any other excuse that can be made not do what needs doin.
    I get it, none of us has had to deal with the Absolute Insanity happening on this level in CONUS.
    That said…

    Traitors deserve one thing…._ _ _ _

    There are things that still need to be done in my Local Area.
    HUMINT and LOCINT are well underway, 2 CAN play the game!
    You do realize they are doing the same?

    Around me, there are many shit bag communists that have summer places here….Funny, they have these million dollar summer places, for now.

    I remember Trump, the real Trump. Can’t help but think and believe his boy’s are the ones that brought us the Trump we hear now.

    As for the Libertarian Marxists….Not surprised in the least.
    I too saw there lefty dope whorship and the Pervert Sex freak show it has unleashed in any place warm most of the year.
    Denver went to hell FAST!! Stank everywhere, druggies begging for money, mental patients wandering streets assaulting and harrasing people, dopers bonging on street corners, you cant escape the stench or Psycopaths in Denver, Fort Collins or Oregon in a small town i train in. It sucks.

    Got a few “Libertarian” socialist family members…
    I love the BS they spout like “I am a fiscal Conservitive and a Social Liberal”
    My response..was…well less then appreciated and rather vile.
    Socialist, Cultural Marxist Commies bring out the Demon in me. Fuck’em.
    If they showup now, I leave.

    Blood ain’t thicker anything when your a GD Traitor!
    Blood ain’t thicker anything when your a GD Traitor!
    Blood ain’t thicker anything when your a GD Traitor!

    At least for me.

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