I can tell I am getting old when the speed of my memories can be measured by Pony Express. So the last day, we were talking about the lefties from Lincoln Project and their latest idiocy: To interfere with members of the court (a federal felony) just because they work for Trump.

There was a faint warning buzz way in the back of my head, but it was not till this morning that the full message arrived. You see, back in the 1930s when Fascists’ and Communists decided to use Spain as their warfare playground for their political bull-crap, there was a group of Americans Communists that got infected with the virus of “saving the Spanish People” and went overseas to fight with the “Rojillos” (Reds) . And what was the name they decided to use?
The Lincoln Brigade.


According to history, they excelled in the battlefield as bullet catchers and if they were not starving and freezing to death, they were in a constant state of retreat while getting their asses kicked. But by the time the Spanish Civil War was over and before the dust and smoke cleared, Hitler had become the evil asshole we all know. So saying that you fought against the Nazi fascists in Spain, brought a measurement of fame, specially since the true evils of Communism were still being hidden to the World.

If anything, you have to give it to the Reds then and now: They love to hide behind the name of Lincoln to advance their agendas. But then again guess where George Orwell learn how much big assholes the Communists were: Fight on their side in the Spanish Civil War

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “The Lincoln Brigade and their great-grandchildren: The Lincoln Project.”
  1. Learn something new everyday.

    The Left loves to give itself nice names to hide their evil intentions.

    A “Democratic People’s Republic” is never democratic or a republic.

    ANTIFA is a fascist organization.

    Anyone who names themselves after Lincoln doesn’t believe in “with malice towards none, with charity for all.”

    1. A “Democratic People’s Republic” is never democratic or a republic.

      Nor, for that matter, is it for the people. Not the vast majority of them, at any rate.

  2. ISTR Orwell bugged out of Spain when he got word the Communists were planning to murder all their foreign volunteers.

    Oh, and the commies also like to use the name of Spartacus — despite the result of their power being the enslavement of entire nations. He deserves better than that, because he’s the only ancient figure I’ve read about who was convincingly anti-slavery. Most of the others were at best accommodationists, most had the attitude “as long as it’s not me”.

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