I have to disagree with Miguel.

I don’t think the Democrats can reign in Antifa anymore. They let it go on for too long and with too much vehemence in order to get Trump.

Antifa is just too battle hardened and the boots-on-the-ground police are just too demoralized.

Also, the SS was able to kill the SA.  It was murder.  As long as Antifa is only being arrested, they won’t stop.  No to mention that once the the arrests are made it goes to prosecutors who we’ve seen are strongly aligned with Antifa.

All in all I thing the Antifa dragon has been fed too much by the Democrats, they can’t control it anymore, and now it will eat them.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “The long knives are going into the backs of Democrats”
  1. I think everyone who has been allowing Antifa to do whatever they want in order to push their agenda is soon going to be quoting Freddy Krueger when he told Jason “You’re like a big, stupid dog who can’t stop eating, even though your master says you’ve had enough!” Doubt they’ll be able to close that box now that it’s been open.

  2. I think everyone who has been allowing Antifa to do whatever they want in order to push their agenda is soon going to be quoting Freddy Krueger when he told Jason “You’re like a big, stupid dog who can’t stop eating, even though your master says you’ve had enough!” Doubt they’ll be able to close that box now that it’s been opened.

  3. All that theft, violence, and destruction give them a high too. They’re going to want more of it, not less, and will only escalate their crimes.

    1. Yes, but it won’t eat ONLY them. It just means that the Democrats will be lined up against the wall with everyone else, if they get a chance. At least if Harris is in charge it will be HER responsibility to fight them. Although that’s scary, because they will probably wait far, far too long to start fighting back.

  4. And unfortunately the democrats let them get too big and the DA’s will let them eat us also with no repercussion and if we resist, we are the ones thrown in jail. Funny how the 2 tier justice system works.

  5. Here’s how it could go under a Biden admin:
    1) Antifa continues to rampage, but
    2) The media is shocked, SHOCKED!! at the violence being committed, and reports on it. An incident is created and popularized
    3) The people get outraged at this horrible act, and call for Something To Be Done Right Now!
    4) Laws are passed for Something To Be Done Right Now.
    5) Crackdown happens on Antifa, because Statist absolutely hate and despise Anarchist
    6) Those same laws are then used on normal people

  6. I’ve been saying the same. Antifa is not going back into the bag. The Democrats don’t “control” them, although I suspect they have some influence with the top organizers. But it’s a decentralized movement, with various groups with various aims and levels of violence they are willing to stoop to. The Democrats thought only that they would be useful in the short term, and allowed and encouraged them, but they are mistaken if they think that they will go away, or that they will give the Democrats a free pass. These are open revolutionaries trying to bring the nation down, but no one dares do anything about it because they are smart enough to avoid open use of guns and explosives in their campaign of destabilization and intimidation, which makes it risky to start using force against them, or so the politicians fear. Especially since the media will side with them.

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