Even if Trump wins the 2020 election, the looting is not going to stop.

Looting will be the new normal in Blue districts across the country.  Any business owner that can leave will leave and anyone that can’t will just go broke.

Looting is the new Woke and “go woke, go broke” applies to everything.

This from the New York Post:

California DA’s new policy to consider looters’ ‘needs’ before charging them

A California district attorney is requiring her prosecutors to consider looters’ “needs” when weighing criminal charges against them.

The new mandate, set forth by Contra Costa County District Attorney Diane Becton, makes it tougher to prosecute looting cases in the county, which sits just outside San Francisco.

Investigators must now consider “was this theft offense substantially motivated by the state of emergency, or simply a theft offense which occurred contemporaneously to the declared state of emergency?,” according to the policy reported by local outlet East County Today.

In making that determination, they must also consider five other factors, including “was the theft committed for financial gain or personal need?”

Essentially if the person caught looting claims they needed what they stole because of COVID, they do not get prosecuted for looting.

How much do you want to bet that there will be zero pushback against this?  That regardless of the item looted or the financial situation of the person, the claim of need will be believed.  Even if the prosecutor doesn’t believe the story, it will be easier for the prosecutor to drop the looting charges and clock out early.

This is going to be abused.

This comes a few days after NPR published this:

One Author’s Controversial View: ‘In Defense Of Looting’

Writer Vicky Osterweil’s book, In Defense of Looting, came out on Tuesday. Osterweil is a self-described writer, editor and agitator who has been writing about and participating in protests for years. And her book arrives as the continued protests have emerged as a bitter dividing point in the presidential race.

When she finished it, back in April, she wrote that “a new energy of resistance is building across the country.” Now, as protests and riots continue to grip cities, she stakes out a provocative position: that looting is a powerful tool to bring about real, lasting change in society. The rioters who smash windows and take items from stores, she claims, are engaging in a powerful tactic that questions the justice of “law and order,” and the distribution of property and wealth in an unequal society.

The author was interviewed about her book:

When I use the word looting, I mean the mass expropriation of property, mass shoplifting during a moment of upheaval or riot. That’s the thing I’m defending. I’m not defending any situation in which property is stolen by force. It’s not a home invasion either. It’s about a certain kind of action that’s taken during protests and riots.

Often, looting is more common among movements that are coming from below. It tends to be an attack on a business, a commercial space, maybe a government building — taking those things that would otherwise be commodified and controlled and sharing them for free.

It does a number of important things. It gets people what they need for free immediately, which means that they are capable of living and reproducing their lives without having to rely on jobs or a wage — which, during COVID times, is widely unreliable or, particularly in these communities is often not available, or it comes at great risk. That’s looting’s most basic tactical power as a political mode of action.

It also attacks the very way in which food and things are distributed. It attacks the idea of property, and it attacks the idea that in order for someone to have a roof over their head or have a meal ticket, they have to work for a boss, in order to buy things that people just like them somewhere else in the world had to make under the same conditions. It points to the way in which that’s unjust. And the reason that the world is organized that way, obviously, is for the profit of the people who own the stores and the factories. So you get to the heart of that property relation, and demonstrate that without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free.

This is pure communist horseshit.  I’m not going to do a line by line fisking of this.  There is no moral justification for people, no matter how poor, to en masse rob other people and damage their property. None whatsoever.

The small business especially.  Destroying the livelihood of a small business owner isn’t a political statement against anything, it’s simple destruction.

This is the sort of bullshit that Orwell warned against being pushed by pseudo-intellectuals and their stupid ideas.

What happened when the Communists let the poor peasants loot from the Kulaks?  Twenty million Soviets starved when all the successful farms collapsed.

The Woke Left is pushing Communist bullshit to justify looting, which means that they won’t try and stop it or punish those who do it.  Therefore there will be more looting and the business harmed by it will leave or fail.

The Blue cities of America are going to end up destitute sewers where decent productive people do not live.

I don’t know why they want this, but this is what they are going to get.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “The looting is not going to stop”
  1. Funny as hell that she has a copyright to prevent free distribution…. I guess she knows the book sucks as no one needs her book: looting/theft is acceptable when “it gets people what they need for free”. Her book isnt free. Cognitive disonance only applies if you think.

    1. Yup. At least Abbie Hoffman was honest enough to write “steal this book” on the cover. Or she could have published it as a public domain work, as a few others have done at times.

  2. “The author was interviewed about her book.”

    It didn’t read like an interview, in the sense that an interviewer asks questions to the interviewee and adjusts the line(s) of questions and asks for clarification on previous answers. The questions seem to have been given to the “interviewer” by the “interviewee” with the view to allowing long expositions on each of them, none of which were pushed back on. It was a complete advertisement for the book and the author’s theories/statements.

  3. Just like a hippy….. everything free except what Im selling… yea We the People need to defund npr. The conservitive radio here isn’t subsidized by taxpayers. I will say the last fund raiser npr had here was a dismal failure haha ha ha

  4. The looting will continue until it becomes politically expedient to stop it. Right now, the Democrats need the votes of the various Marxist Radicals to keep their phony baloney jobs.

    But, if there’s a big vote turnout for Trump and the Republicans, it will become quite apparent that the Radical track is a losing proposition. Since Leftist LOVE purges, they will find a reason to crack down and hard- especially if they can find a way to pass it on to Trump.

    Even then, if Biden wins and they get power, it will be even more imperative to purge the radicals. Cracking down on your own extremist has always been a good way to make oneself look more moderate. If that means that you get rid of people who threaten your power and cashflow, so much more better.

    And since it’s the Left, they have absolutely no problem turning on their own, even those they publicly praised and exhorted.

  5. Already normalized by the decriminalization of theft below $1000 in CA.

    And of course she puts private property exceptions in there for people like her, who don’t want to be looted.

    But some faceless corporation or business, yea that’s like totally different because its not like people man /sarc.

    All these people have the same logic because they don’t recognize the individual so the never see that it is individuals that make up a business or are employed by it, or that make up a militia, etc.

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