A buddy of mine sent me this Tweet from Adam Carolla:

Does anybody in government realize how much legitimacy they have lost?

It has become crystal clear that enforcement of the law it totally subjective and entirely dependent on the politics of lawbreakers and politicians in charge.

Crystal clear like never before.

Radical Leftist anarchists have free reign to destroy whatever government property they want and will be released with all charges dropped.

If you get caught using the wrong nozzle on your gas can or your flash hider is non properly pinned and welded to your barrel the Federal Government will fuck your day up.

We still obey the law because we have been conditioned to.  We still fear the consequences.

I wonder what will happen when every statue is toppled while law enforcement does nothing at the behest of politicians.

What will the government do when millions of regular American small business owners say:

“I’m serving all the booze I want without a liquor license and I’m not paying my taxes or fees, and your health inspector isn’t allowed in.  You can eat my asshole and fuck off way over there, this storefront is my Autonomous Zone.”


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “The loss of legitmacy”
  1. Personally if I were living in Chaz or had a business there I’d stop paying taxes.

    And who the fuck would get a permit to build a patio?

    I’m right there with ya on these questions of legitimacy and it isn’t too hard for me, and I I imagine many of us, to imagine the day we get killed by a swat team because we finally said fuck you I’m tired of this bullshit, I’m not getting a permit/paying my taxes/moving that backhoe of my property/etc come kill me for it and they do. One of the unspoken perils of home ownership I suppose lol.

  2. The Mandate of Heaven is falling from their hands and they are too blind or stupid to see it.

  3. Either we all obey the law or we all dont
    The double standard is out in the open. I propose we ALL put a (D) after our names and go about our lives. When anyone protested us we just show them our (D) card. Then they will go away. ……..or we all move to Mr JKBs neighborhood and take it over. Then declare it a Freedom Zone heh heh

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