Yesterday, a racist nut-job killed three people then himself in a Dollar General in Florida.  The media have swarmed all over that like flies on fresh shit, because it hits every button for them: white guy, black victims, racism, AR-15s, happening in Florida so they can blame it on DeSantis, etc.

On Wednesday, three people were killed in a mass shooting that you didn’t hear about.


3 killed in Southern California bar shooting by former cop who attacked his estranged wife

At least three people were killed and six more wounded after a former police officer opened fire in a shooting that appeared to target his estranged wife at an iconic biker bar in Southern California’s Orange County Wednesday evening, authorities said. The gunman is also dead.

The suspect was killed by “multiple” deputies who confronted him minutes after they arrived, Orange County Sheriff’s Department Undersheriff Jeff Hallock told reporters at a late night briefing.

Snowling was a former sergeant with the Ventura Police Department who retired in 2014, Barnes said, noting that the gunman lived in Ohio but also had a home in Southern California.

“We believe he traveled from Ohio with an ongoing dispute regarding the separation and pending divorce with his wife,” Barnes said.

Barnes said Snowling entered the bar with two firearms and went “directly” to his wife. There was no argument or exchange before Snowling opened fire, shooting his wife once, Barnes said.

Snowling then began firing “randomly” at other people both inside and outside the bar, Barnes said. After leaving the inside of Cook’s Corner, Snowling went to his truck and got a third handgun and a shotgun. Someone confronted Snowling at that point, but he was shot and killed, Barnes said.

That’s why.  This story contains all the buttons the media has to avoid:

Only police and retired police can be trusted with guns.

California has great gun control laws so mass shootings don’t happen there.

If it didn’t happen with an AR-15, it didn’t happen.

A cop went in a mass shooting rampage with handguns in California?  Unpossible, and you’re not going to hear about it.

But this story gets worse.

California Governor Gavin Newsom never misses an opportunity to be a piece of shit.

His official statement was just a sales pitch for Red Flag Laws.

In Wake of Cook’s Corner Mass Shooting, Governor Newsom Issues Statement and Urges Californians to Use Life-Saving Red Flag Laws

In the wake of last night’s mass shooting in Trabuco Canyon that left at least three victims dead and six individuals wounded, Governor Gavin Newsom today issued a statement regarding the incident and urged all Californians to use the state’s “red flag” laws. Red flag laws allow victims of domestic violence, family members, coworkers, and others to seek protective orders to prohibit potentially dangerous individuals and abusers from possessing guns.

“Once again, a siege of bullets has shaken a community and torn families apart,” said Governor Newsom. “California mourns for the victims of last night’s horrific shooting at Cook’s Corner.

“As we continue to learn more details about this act of violence, there are early reports that this horror was related to a domestic dispute.

“This type of trauma is unfortunately not isolated. Two-thirds of mass shooters in America have a history of domestic violence. Victims and survivors in California should know they are never alone — we have tools and resources to support and protect you. Our state’s red flag laws allow victims, family members, coworkers, and others to work with local law enforcement and the courts to safely remove guns from those who may be a potential threat.

“We must continue to strengthen, defend, and use these laws. If you see red flags, say something — and in doing so, save lives.”

Who need empathy for the victims when there is gun control to push before the dead are even cold.

And, just as a side note, knowing law enforcement, is there a chance in hell that a Red Flag warning on a cop by an ex-wife would go anywhere?  Or would fellow officers just ignore that?

We’re going to spend the next few months with everyone using the Jacksonville shooting as a cudgel against DeSantis.

When a cop I’m California goes on a mass shooting, nobody says shit about it.

H/T: The Wife

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By J. Kb

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