Just assume everything they say is the opposite.

This is the talking point: “Trump threatened American democracy.”

Given what is practically become a provable law of politics, Democrats engage in nothing but projection, what this headline means is that they know Biden has threatened our democracy.

I’m just having a real hard time believing that Trump got 8 million more votes than he did in 2016 and Joe Biden, with his pathetic rally turnouts, beat him and got more votes than the Democrat God-King Obama in fewer counties than Obama.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The media is like Captain Peachfuzz”
  1. I’ve also seen words like “attempted coup” thrown about.
    Funny, I’ve not seen a single story about the President ordering people with guns to go and do stuff (seize ballots, intimidate judges, and so on).
    Guess it’s all part of the new “all speech that goes against the Democratic party is violence” thing.

  2. “Well, sweetheart, it seems you do NOT understand what violence is. That gap in your life experience can be remedied….”

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