From Twitter:

No.  No, it’s not.

This is why you don’t take legal advice from a journalist.

The First Amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Some Dude standing at the podium in the White House Rose Garden saying “read the bible” isn’t a First Amendment violation.

Mike Lindell is an interesting guy.  A serial failed entrepreneur, he was an addict, found Jesus, got clean, and turned My Pillow into a multi-million dollar company, with their products made in the USA, in his home state of Minnesota.  He is now worth more than $300 million.

He runs a foundation that helps other recovering addicts and donates pillows to homeless shelters.

He decided not to fire people but instead converted his American factory over to making 50,000 masks per day during the Coronavirus crisis.

This is a story of redemption and doing good that could really only happen in America.

And this useless “journalist” just shits all over it with an argument that would be tossed out of a middle school debate tournament.

Today’s press pool amounts to little more than the asshole comedy club hecklers of politics.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The media proves itself to be ignorant garbage every day”
  1. Where is separation of church and state a requirement anywhere in Federal law?

    Please, IANAL, but to my knowledge, there is ZERO requirement for the Government to be 100% secular, religion free, or whatever.

    The prohibition is against the Government establishing a religion or prohibiting the practice of one. Simply mentioning God, the Bible, Satan’s Bible, The Communist Manifesto, or any other religious text while hosting a Government event is not establishing a religion.

    But, why let logic or reason get in the way.

    1. The Constitution specifically states religious people are permitted to be involved in government: “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

  2. Daniel Patrick Moynahan once said, “You are entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.” The modern media has changed all of that- now they supply whatever facts they need by simply reporting fake news.

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