On Friday night, a medic associated with the protests in Atlanta caught what was determined later to be a ricochet to the leg.

You can tell this is a highly trained people by the assessment and treatment.

I might be wrong, but I don’t really see a lot of “bright red and pumping” which goes with needing a tourniquet.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “The “medics” of BLM and Associates.”
  1. From my friend and hunting buddy the EMT instructor (viewing another video of this event), “So….do you wanna cause vascular damage? Cause this is how you do it. You apply a make shift tourniquet to a flesh wound with no active bleeding.”

  2. I saw a similar video a couple of weeks ago. Another rioter received an almost identical thigh booboo (but this one was a male, so it’s not the same video), and the (Antifa?) “first responders” tied it off with a makeshift tourniquet. The “victim” kept whining, “I don’t wanna lose my leg.” My advice for him would be: A) stay away from riots, and B) don’t let idiots put a tourniquet on a wound that you could treat yourself with direct pressure.
    My guess would be that Antifa has been holding first aid classes and they improperly stress tourniquets. Since tourniquets seem to be de rigueur for EDC in some circles theses days, to me that looks like evidence that they read gun magazines and blogs. So act accordingly.

    1. It was better than that. It was a hit by a rubber bullet… No hole.

      The entire thing is theater.

      Yes, I have my blowout kits. Yes they are with me. But one thing that is in that kit taking up room is an Israeli combat bandage.

      Get some for your kits and learn how to use it.

      (You above is plural, not directed at any particular person)

  3. Myself, I carry 2-3 tourniquets everyday.

    Of course, (a) I am suspicious of nearly everyone/everything, (b) I am an old street medic, and currently a mid level, and (c) am of the Church of Murphy. Besides, it is (I hope) more likely I’ll need a TK, rather than my EDC sidearm.

    Of course, I know other interventions besides a TK, for lesser boo-boos. As, likely, does every other reader of this blog.

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