There are rumors flying about the gorramed memo shown to congresscritters today. Apparently they left all sorts of shocked and all of the sudden the news cycle is obsessed with the Democrats shutting down government.

<Tin foil hat on>

My fear is that a FISA warrant was issued by the past administration to spy on a presidential candidate for electoral purposes only and such warrant continued after the election. It would mean that certain sections of our government are/were actively spying on POTUS and releasing the info to hurt the presidency.

The shit hitting the fan would be of cataclysmic size. It would mean not do drain the swamp but literally nuke it.

<Tin foil hat off>

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “The Memo.”
  1. And indeed it should be nuked. I caution you, it could mean an upheaval of violence, and a civil conflict. I suspected this from the beginning of the Trump Derangement syndrome, and the MSM siding with the communist faction of our society. We must be ready to repel, and destroy any insurrection that can occur when this is released to the general public knowledge. It will be infinitesimal in value to cleanse our republic of these enemies of the state.

  2. There are more people in Washington that want to see Trump go to prison than there are people who respect the law. That includes, especially, the intelligence services and the DOJ.

    Nothing will happen to anyone. Ever.

    1. Well, yes. We already know that basically NO one in Washington respects the law — the Supreme Law of the Land, a.k.a., the US Constitution. Nearly all government employees violate that supreme law every day simply by walking into the office.

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