All white men are suspects now, says Congressman Steve Cohen, because as a demographic we overwhelmingly voted Trump.

Therefore we cannot be trusted at all to do our jobs in a Biden administration.

It’s starting with the military but it will soon extend to all federal jobs, and perhaps even federal contractors.

This is Democrat projection and the #Resistance biting them in the ass.

They encouraged people who were Clinton loyalists to sabotage the Trump administration, now they are worried Trump voters will do the same to them.

By the time this is over, anyone with a dot-gov or dot-mil email address will have had to have proven their Biden loyalty.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The military purge and We’re all suspects now”
  1. 2017: You can’t fire the people that didn’t vote for the president even if they publicly state they will not follow his orders
    2021: we can’t possibly allow people to work for the government if they didn’t vote for the president

    Oh and I got my first notice of mandatory “why white people are racist” training on Friday. The EO banning that is still in effect as far as I know.

  2. Bwahaha, yeah ok, berate and attack 75% of your armed forces because they didn’t support the incoming Child Sniffer in Chief. Keep defunding the police while you’re at it. Please, keep it up.

    1. Oh if they make me put preferences anywhere, I’m going to identify as a black lesbian muslim refugee, with my pronouns being “we”/”royal highness”.

      I already have a lawyer lined up if they mock or complain about my choices, or if they only selectively enforce the pronoun preferences.

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