From Fox News:

Owner of Ohio store ransacked by rioters says she’s receiving threats for cooperating with police

An Ohio business owner told “Fox & Friends” on Monday that she is receiving threats for cooperating with law enforcement officials investigating the looting of her cupcake store last month.

Kelly Kandah, the owner of Colossal Cupcakes in Cleveland, which was destroyed by looters, said some of those threats include people telling her that when her store is rebuilt, “it’s going to get hit again.”

On Monday, Kandah told “Fox & Friends” host Ainsley Earhardt that the week after her store was destroyed, “I was showing some of the damage and I was leaving, a friend and myself, and someone walking by approached us and said, ‘When the store rebuilds, when you rebuild this, I’m going to come back and destroy it again and you.’ He kept walking and was gone.”

When Earhardt asked Kandah if she is now scared to reopen, she responded: “Yes.”

This woman and her four employees spent the riots terrified, locked in a bathroom, listening to her business get looted and destroyed.

She called the police.

Because she didn’t lay back and take the violation, the mob wants to destroy her again.

I doubt she will ever reopen given that.

The mob wants permanent control through the threat of violence.

Call the cops they attack again.

Not give them what they want, they attack again.

Not pay sufficient deference to their cause and they attack again.

There is no was businesses could survive under that sort of mob protection racket.

I think next time you are going to see a lot more Roof Koreaning.  Business owners campaign out in their business with guns shooting everyone who tries to loot.

The cops are not coming, the insurance isn’t paying out without a police report, you have nothing to lose, you might as well stack up the bodies.


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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “The mob will always keep you under its boot”
  1. And this is how food (and other services) deserts expand.

    I can’t blame the store owner – either a small business owner or a massive retail chain – for not reopening.

    1. And if she moves, she’ll be immediately labeled as raycisst. RME

      My advice to her: get trained in the use of a gun for self-defense, get a dependable firearm & home carry, don’t rebuild and move away from that liberal crap-hole (they’re gonna harass her whether she stays or not), and perforate any idiots that threaten bodily harm to you and yours at your new home.

      Words ain’t cutting it anymore with these barbarians. Force is the only language that seems to get thru now, so be their huckleberry.

  2. My brother tried telling me that a gun is no good against a mob. I told him if you shoot the one with the biggest mouth right in the face, the rest of them suddenly discover that they would rather protest somewhere else.

    1. >My brother tried telling me that a gun is no good against a mob.

      They seem to scurry away like rats as soon as the shooting starts, seems plenty effective to me. Most of these people aren’t willing to die for these ‘protests’, they’re only doing this just as long as they think there won’t be any consequences.

  3. Even if a gun *is* “useless against a mob, at the very least, you will have several of it’s members to carry your bier into Valhalla.

    Which, as much as I’d rather delay that journey, if you are facing a mob, your ticket has been purchased. You might at least collect several traveling companions.

    And, at least, there will be fewer in the herd to attack your family & friends, once you have thinned it.

    1. There is always a cost to be paid. Ask the guy in NM who shot the guy attacking him with a knife while the mob attacked with longboards, fists and feet.

      He is alive but charged. Where would he be if the “just submitted to street justice?”

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