So David Hogg is running around the country throwing up the revolutionary power fist, saying the most vile things about lawful gun owners, staging boycotts against anyone who challenges him, and organizing rallies to take away law abiding citizens’ Constitutional rights.

Kyle Kashuv has been meeting with Congressmen, Senators, Governors, and people of importance to try and pass legislation that will help prevent school shootings.

Kyle seemingly is not a fan of big government and supports the Second Amendment.   Which makes sense for someone who’s life was risked when government failed to do thier jobs.

Kyle went to a range with his dad and was given instructions on how to shoot an AR-15 under supervision and in compliance with the law.

Because of his anti anti-gun opinion, a MSD teacher abused his authority to denounce Kyle in the strongest terms Progressives have.

The MDS Aryan hate monger and college reject who wants to economically destroy and jail people who disagree with hi isn’t a threat or the next Hitler.

The kid who respects your civil rights is.

That makes sense.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The MSD civil war”
  1. “…he was dangerous and something needed to be done about him.”

    “Will no one rid me of this troublesome student?”

    1. Sounds like the teacher needs an involuntary mental health evaluation. Does he intend to committ violence? Are there other students he considers “dangerous”?

  2. This is what you get with a communist indoctrinating children in the centers of indoctronation (formerly known as public schools).

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