First of all, this needs to be said because I’m not aware of any pundit saying it first.

There seem to be three groups active on the streets right now:

    1. Actual protesters in the streets who have a legitimate grievance against an abusive cop and a system that protected him for too long.
    2. Radical activists who are using the protests as an excuse to cause real shit.  They are smashing windows and burning things.
    3. Looters who are using the chaos caused by Group 2 and to a lesser degree Group 1 as cover to steal everything they want that isn’t nailed down.  The people taking TV’s from Target or looting the Gucci and Louis Vuitton don’t care about the death of George Floyd or racial Leftist ideology.  This is the same mentality that causes looting after a hurricane or earthquake: they can get away with it so they will.

Nobody seems to be willing to parse these.

The Left says they are all protesters, and unfortunately too many on the right ignore the few people who have a real, serious grievance about a bad cop who choked a man to death on a city street, to call them all thugs.

What is interesting is that we’ve caught glimpses of legitimate protesters catching and calling out the radical activists.

Data from the arrests shows that there are a lot of semi-professional radicals in the streets trying to stir up shit.

Attorney General Barr said this during a press conference:

This is exposing the Leftist agitators for what they are.

The response by the Leftists, especially those in the media, is to declare them to be white supremacists and Trump supporters engaged in a false flag attack.

Remember in my earlier post, I mentioned the two radicals who threw Molotov Cocktails at an NYPD car with officers inside.  The Left is already saying they were Trump supporters.

The radical Left is being caught red-handed stirring the shit-pot and people don’t like it, so they are blaming it on Trump and white supremacists.

This will only make it go more out of control.  Which is what they want, really.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “The narrative is being set”
  1. I think there are a couple of other groups to add to that list of 3.
    4) Support groups. These are the people setting up the medical tents and other things to support the protesters/rioters (Don’t understand it, we didn’t need multiple medical tents when the 2A supporters had “almost violent” and “threatening” protests in multiple state capitols)
    5) Good cops.
    6) The bad cops that are doing bad things. I have unsupported reports from residents in Mankato MN of cops firing rubber bullets and such into a medical support tent. The tent was clearly marked. There were no “rioters” or “mob” like actions taking place at that location. The cops were reported as shooting into the tent and of disrupting the care being given.

    NOTE: I do not have confirmation of the incident I am stating above. My source is trusted, but I don’t know their sources well enough to speak for them.

    This thing is just moving to fast and to hard. I’m at high alert in the house and hoping it is just paranoia. Of course, just because your paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

    1. This thing is just moving to fast and to hard. I’m at high alert in the house and hoping it is just paranoia. Of course, just because your paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

      Well, that’s the thing. The situation can pivot in a heartbeat and at that point, what you’ve prepared is what you have to work with.

      1. Preparing for the worse means that there are more mags dispersed to different locations than I would normally do and ready weapons have been changed out.

        As I said in a different comment, I’m wearing OWB holsters and letting them print right now. Normally I work very very hard to make sure I never print. Also upgraded from smaller, lower capacity, more easily concealed hand gun to larger and added extra mags to the EDC.

        I have always been one to look for the egress when entering a location. Now I don’t enter a location unless I already know the alternative egresses.

        And my lady authorized spending the hobby, “Just in case.”

        We live in a rural location, but I don’t know when the agitators are going to decided to push out to our area.

        One the CCP virus started closing down businesses, we quickly noticed how many out of state licensed cars were in the local super market parking lot. Yes, we get a fair number of out of state people shopping in our local stores, tax free and all that we are, but we went from 25-35% driving in to purchase to 75%-85% of all the plates I saw in the parking lot were out of state plates.

        The military has a term, which if I remember correctly, is “pre-positioning” Which means to have the logistics delivering goods to where you need them before you get there.

        My favorite story of per-positioning is during _Desert Storm_ where they took of north and when they arrived at an empty place in the desert, it wasn’t empty any more. They had created a refueling dump for the spear head just minutes ahead of the spear head. They choppered in bladders of fuel. They arrived and were refueled and on their way and they logistics people packed up all their stuff and went home.

  2. I note that in the first clip, the vandal is wearing a legitimate respirator with charcoal cartridges, almost like he(?) was anticipating getting tear gassed. Although by not wearing a mask that protects his eyes, he may be surprised if
    (when?) the tear gas comes out.

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