Math is the foundation of all science.  It is the universal language.  We as a civilization cannot exist without a foundation of math.

That is why the Left is ardently trying to destroy math.  They want to erode the foundation of our technologically advanced civilization until it collapses.

The latest attack on math is A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction.

This is how it describes itself:

A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction is an integrated approach to mathematics that centers Black, Latinx, and Multilingual students in grades 6-8, addresses barriers to math equity, and aligns instruction to grade-level priority standards. The Pathway offers guidance and resources for educators to use now as they plan their curriculum, while also offering opportunities for ongoing self-reflection as they seek to develop an anti-racist math practice. The toolkit “strides” serve as multiple on-ramps for educators as they navigate the individual and collective journey from equity to anti-racism.

Math as anti-racism.  That is gobbledygook.


Pretty much the way math has been taught for centuries in the Western World, that allowed us to create powered flight, electricity, nuclear energy, computers, modern medicine, etc.

That’s what they want to eliminate.

They want math where you don’t have to show your work or get the right answer.


This is actually racist as fuck.  It assumes that Black, LatinX (Latino or those of you who are not language colonizers), and Multilingual students can’t learn to do proper math.

Also, does Mutlilignal students include the kids who speak Chinese to Japanese at home and get 5s on the Math AP exam every year?


This is such a racist word-salad that I legitimately can’t construct a rational argument against it.

I have no idea how making change, calculating percentages, or solving for an unknown changes depending on skin color?



If you want to acknowledge the contributions of Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, the founder of Algebra, fine.  The problem is that this won’t be used to teach algebra but be used to attack the West for Islamophobia.

Alan Turing was a fantastic mathematician.  I fully expect math classes not to teach about his developments of algorithms and computing language or how he cracked the German Enigma machine through vector analysis, but how he was driven to suicide for being gay in the 1940s.

That’s the point, not to teach math but to turn math into grievance studies.

This will dumb down students on purpose.

Remember that Mao executed all the Chinese professors and scientists that were educated in the West.  So did Pol Pot.  So did Castro and Che.

Rather than execute the intellectuals, they will simply dumb the kids down in middle school so much that they will be unable to learn anything useful after that.

A handful of the children of the elite will not learn this so that they stay at the top, but the rest of society will be turned into ignorant peasants who can tell you how many dicks Alan Turing sucked but not how to solve for x.

Want proof?

This was funded in part by Bill “you will learn to like synthetic meat” Gates.  His daughter won’t learn this but your kids will.  His daughter will remain useful to society but yours will not be able to advance.

The new dark ages are upon us.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “The new dark ages are on the horizon”
  1. Setting us up for a society where only the anointed priesthood can be trusted with the dangerous secrets of mathematics. The serfs don’t need to know how many acres to plow, the priests will tell them when, where and how long to plow. In return the priests will give them a few crumbs so they don’t starve, unless they engage in wrong-think.

    1. I have the same eerie feeling of the US incrementally turning to the feudal system with the tiny aristocracy at the top, a thin sliver of educated class supporting them (doctors, lawyers, bankers etc) , and the 95% of peasants at the bottom… The Victorian novels ring more true every time I am rereading them.

      1. We’re about thiiiiiiiissss close to the Democrats putting forth a plan to give minorities free eco friendly tiny houses with guaranteed lifetime green jobs.

  2. Some years ago we got tired of commuting to a private language school and moved to a public school district where, starting from middle school, kids could test in to higher grade math classes.

    Our elder kids were happy to skip a couple of grades and not be bored out of their mind.

    Two years after our move, this program got canceled. Parents and former students fought tooth and nail, including volunteering to pay for teaches, transportation etc. The school administration showed what a lying condescending lowlife they were.

    They did not have funds for math, but, of course, there were money to add classes on some racial woke whatever is was.

    The only silver lining to the disastrous state of the public education I see is that kids from families like ours, who were taught a classical (in our case old Soviet Union) math curriculum at home, will have a bit easier time competing in life in the US.

  3. I’m adopting a simple rule. As soon as I see the fake-word “latinx” I stop reading, because there is no conceivable way that the writer can possibly have anything useful to say, or for that matter that the writer has a functioning brain in the first place.

    Saves a bunch of time, doesn’t it?

    Responding to A: I came to the USA in 1973, to go to college (having grown up in Holland). My college gave me two whole years of advanced credit; nearly all of that was due to the higher level of education in the Dutch high school I attended. It was a range of stuff: several foreign languages, assorted science topics, several flavors of math. Made the comparison pretty clear. I suspect the analogous comparison now would be a lot more lopsided in favor of the foreign student.

    1. ‘My college gave me two whole years of advanced credit; nearly all of that was due to the higher level of education in the Dutch high school I attended’

      The irony is, my eldest, who just got into ivy, has the same advantage going through (now demolished) US public school advanced math program. When she exhausted school math classes, she was allowed (for HS credit) to take math classes at nearby college. Credit for some of those can be transfered to her ivy and the rest allow her to test into higher courses.

      But, alas, the current juniors and seniors are the last of the Mohicans…

  4. 1. Leftists are lazy. Every single one of their choices is about being lazy.
    2. Teaching emotions is a lot easier than teaching facts, math, or logic.
    3. Therefore, forget math, feelings are easire.

  5. Hard times create strong men
    Strong men create good times
    Good times create weak men <— We are here
    Weak men create hard times <— We’ll soon be here, if we’re not already.

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