From the New York Post:

Blame governors for the coronavirus deaths in nursing homes: Goodwin

If they are honest, historians judging the American experience during the coronavirus pandemic will excoriate our barbaric failure to protect the elderly. We think of ourselves as civilized, but mindless policies and bureaucratic indifference turned many nursing homes and rehabilitation centers into killing fields.

Holy shit, that is a statement.  One that is entirely accurate too.

At least 28,000 residents and workers in long-term care facilities already have died from the ­virus, according to a New York Times analysis done more than a week ago. That represented one out of every three COVID-19 deaths recorded in the United States at the time and was likely an undercount because of reporting lags and varying state methods.

New York’s counting methods under Governor Cuomo being the worst and most prone to undercounting.

The states with the most nursing-home deaths, New York and New Jersey, didn’t make the list [states with the highest percentage of deaths in nursing homes] because of so many other deaths, yet more than 10,000 people died in their facilities. The 5,500 nursing-home deaths in New York are more than the total deaths in all other states except New Jersey.

Now is a good time to remind people that Governor Cuomo forced nursing homes to take infected patients and didn’t mandate testing or PPE for nursing home workers.

Florida got the message and implemented a model response. Despite its vast enclaves of long-term care homes, it reported ­under 750 deaths in them, or slightly more than one for each of its 615 facilities.

But the media has been savaging DeSantis, saying the he has blood in his hands.  This is pure projection.

Gov. ­Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey issued almost identical orders in late March requiring nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients being discharged from hospitals. The orders barred the homes from even asking if the patients had the virus, lest they be discriminated against.

Those politically correct orders quickly became death sentences as infections spread like wildfire.

And yet Governor Cuomo was floated as the guy that might replace Biden as the Dem’s Presidential candidate if Biden’s senility became too obvious.

Gov. Ron DeSantis said his state moved early to protect the elderly because statistics from South Korea showed “that not all age groups were equally at risk” and that most deaths happened to “folks 65 and up.”

Tell me again which party is the party of science, of following the data, and of compassion.  The party of the governor who sent infected elderly into nursing homes full the most vulnerable people to prevent discrimination, or the governor who protected the most vulnerable from harm?

Despite the surging death count, Cuomo defended his directive for more than six weeks. He reversed himself only last Sunday, ruling that patients must test negative before hospitals can send them to nursing homes. Yet he insisted that the initial policy “worked.”

If more than 5,000 dead was success, what would failure look like?

If your heroes are Mao, Che, and Chavez, and your favorite newspaper won a Pulitzer for defending Stalin than yes, killing 5,000 people in a few weeks is a success.

Nursing-home executives, meanwhile, complain privately that Cuomo should have known his mandate would be a killer, but they were never consulted and got no notice before being swamped with infected patients. As one owner put it, long-time residents began “dropping like flies” soon afterward.

These same executives will not go public with their complaints because they fear Cuomo will punish them with fines and take their licenses.

Cuomo absolutely would because he thinks of himself less as Governor than he does Mafia Don.

All the more reason why federal officials with nothing to fear must step in and find the facts. A designated US attorney, for example, could use a grand jury to demand answers about why so many elderly people were put in harm’s way despite the warnings and simple common sense.

Cuomo should be investigated and prosecuted.  So should Governor Murphy.

The Democrats will fight it and say that Trump is doing it just for revenge because they criticized him.

The truth of the enormity that Cuomo and Murphy are responsible for will be buried under mountains of political bullshit.  No one will ever get justice.

I honestly and fervently believe that it is time for a reckoning.  I’m going go start advertising my guillotines in the NY Post.

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By J. Kb

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