From Bloomberg News:

The Argument to Tax Work-From-Home Benefits

Choosing to earn a living from home once the pandemic ends is a privilege that you should pay for, according to strategists from Deutsche Bank AG’s research arm.

“Working from home will be part of the ‘new normal’ well after the pandemic has passed,” the strategists led by Luke Templeman wrote in a note. “We argue that remote workers should pay a tax for the privilege.”

The team propose a 5% levy for those who work from home on a regular basis and not because of a government lockdown mandate. Such a measure could raise $48 billion a year in the U.S. and about 16 billion euros ($18.8 billion) in Germany, they say, to fund subsidies for low-income earners and essential workers who are unable to work remotely.

Fuck you, you socialist redistributive mother fuckers.

Work from home was thrust upon us.  Some business discovered it was a cost savings to reduce infrastructure and let employees work from home on a more permanent basis.

Now a major bank wants you to pay for the privilege of your employer deciding its cheaper for him to let you log on from home than provide you with office space.

What about people like my wife who worked from home because the schools and daycare were closed?  Should we pay for that?

Fuck this idea and everyone who came up with it.  Fuck any politician who tries to implement it.

“After making you work from home and getting you used to it, we’re going to tax you for it.”

If they try I really think this will make a lot of people go all Boston Tea Party on the Fed.


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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “The next great idea to screw over people under the Biden administration”
    1. Well, 90% of the funds raised have to be spent on administering it. You wouldn’t want it mismanaged, would you?

  1. All your money is the property of Big Brother. If you have the impudence to keep more of your wages, you’ve exceeded your allotment and the excess must be distributed elsewhere.

    Of course, for every dollar so redistributed, a modest 78 cents is required to administrate the program. This money is, of course, not a sign of bloat and inefficiency since it already belonged to Big Brother and Big Brother can’t waste his own money, but it is sorely needed aid that your greed has kept from reaching the poor and hungry, you rapacious, money grubbing, self centered asshole.

  2. I’ve been working from home for a number of years now. I pay to have good internet. I pay to have a reasonable computer. I pay to have professional VoIP connections and extra phone numbers. I had to take over a room in the house just to do this.

    My wife is one of the remote teachers for the local school system. She’s using a school supplied laptop, but it still has required us to turn the “craft room” which holds my reloading bench and supplies into her office. And it has required the purchase of support devices.

    School system refused to provide a USB hub, so that came out of our budget, they didn’t pay for the extra bandwidth for talking to kids, they didn’t pay for the microphones, backdrops and headsets for my wife to use.

    So some dink wants me to pay taxes on top of all of that?

    1. Yup. Similar things had to happen with my work as a contractor and having to rearrange my study/lounge/office area to bring all the extra hardware in plus bumping up the internet. I’m glad I have a job, but the only thing that has changed is I’m not driving 30 miles a day for a commute . . . God forbid someone save a few bucks on gas, wear and tear on their vehicle, and (government mandated) insurance without the State getting a cut of that.

      These dickheads can come collect their 5% in person. I’ll wait.

      1. Back when they first started trying to collect the Income Tax, there was a problem. Many people shot at revenuers. It wasn’t a crime to shoot an IRS man. It was if you shot and missed.

        This put a damper on the collection of taxes that the government wanted.

        So they changed the tax collector from a government parasite into your employer. What are you going to do? Shoot your employer because he’s withholding taxes from your paycheck?

        And he’s not going to not collect for the government, because they will put the hurt on him.

        And if you still don’t pay, they IRS will just take all the money you have in the bank and all the goods you have. And at no time does an IRS agent come within range.

  3. You know why they’re proposing this, don’t you? It has nothing to do with actually collecting the tax. It’s because Deutsche and the other big banks have probably trillions of dollars in commercial real estate (loans and investment portfolios). There’s likely to be a significant drop in office space usage over the next couple of years. They’re floating the tax idea as a way to try to force people back into those offices once the lockdowns end just so their assets don’t lose value. I mean, do you seriously think that Deutsche gives a damn about low income earners who can’t work from home. Those people don’t make Deutsche any money.

  4. Youd think they’d be all over work from home and mandate penalties for not allowing work from home when possible! Better for the environment, less traffic, keeps people from spreading the pandemic etc. As they say Democrats would have no standards if not for double standards.

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