Now this is hilarious but not totally unexpected. We get this from the people who cannot stop moving goalposts, ignore hard data and create studies out of thin air. I would not be surprised if later in the week the NRA gets accused of getting millions from Putin or some other Russian entity or person(s).

PS to The Trace and the rest of the Opposition: A very important percentage of the American People, no longer trust the Media. Maybe you missed the Gallup poll results back in September:

That is 68% of the country distrusting what came out as news and news people. And that was before the elections where the same Media had predicted an unbeatable Hillary for President. I was not able to find a post-election poll anywhere, but I doubt the trust in media index went up. So dear Bloomberg and company, trying to come out and defend the Media by putting the blame on the NRA looks even more stupid than creating a fake news organization (coughTheTracecough) to push for Gun Control.

Hat Tip Roger G.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “The NRA and Fake News.”
  1. Anti-gun fake News was what turned me from anti-gun to pro gun.

    Specifically the the 1994 Assault Weapon ban.

    I was told that it was for Machine Guns….it wasn’t

    I was told it banned guns “too powerful for hunting”…except 5.56, and 7.62×39 are less powerful than more traditional hunting calibers.

    I was told it would lower crime….it didn’t.

    Again they accomplished this MASSIVE law 100% on lies, and they haven’t gotten any more honest over the years and they have the GAUL to claim somebody else might twisting the truth!

  2. I have not watched the “Water Carrying Whores for Obama” media for a decade.

    Their dispensing with any semblance of neutrality and professionalism to go all in for the Hildabeast has reduced them to yellow journalism and Pravda.

    I did not mention the tabloids because shockingly, they are some times doing honest investigative work.

  3. Miguel,
    I depend solely on bloggers such as yourself to get my news updates, with appropriate insight and “unsaid” info to temper and put into perspective the news stories. Oh, and also the NRA magazines and more recently the website. And VSSA. I have not watched TV news in 20 years, and I haven’t missed it a bit! The last radio news I listened to was NPR, and when I found out that they were slanting the news to emphasize their agenda (this was in the ’90s) I gave them up also. I haven’t missed it a bit. Thanks to you and your colleagues, I am better informed than ever!

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