From the New York Times:

Many Claim Extremists Are Sparking Protest Violence. But Which Extremists?

Amid the rush to assign blame for the widespread violence and vandalism breaking out in American cities, accusations that extremists or other outside agitators were behind the destruction continued to ricochet online and on the airwaves on Sunday.

Numerous political leaders, starting with President Trump, have leveled accusations at various groups, asserting that some radical agenda is at play in transforming once peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody

People associated with both the extreme right and left are being accused of igniting the conflagration. The Trump administration blamed what it called the radical left, naming antifa, a contraction of the word “anti-fascist” that has come to be associated with a diffuse movement of left-wing protesters who engage in more aggressive techniques like vandalism.

Others said white supremacists and far-right groups were responsible, pointing to online statements by adherents that the upheaval would hasten the collapse of a multiethnic, multicultural United States.

Antifa-style protesters are hostile to law enforcement and are oriented toward street action, said Jonathan Greenblatt, the chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, so these demonstrations provide an opportunity even if their goals are not the same as those of the original protesters. Still, he cautioned that in such a complex stew, not all the vandalism can be attributed to any one faction.

“While we have seen tactics they embrace at times during these protests, it is also unclear how many of the individuals committing violence or destroying property are antifa or just upset with the ongoing issue of police brutality,” he said.

Signs of any organized effort or even participation in the violence were relatively rare. “I have not seen any clear evidence that white supremacists or militiamen are masking up and going out to burn and loot,” said Howard Graves, a research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center who tracks white supremacist and other anti-government extremist groups.

Note what is in bold.

The New York Times quotes the ADL that Antifa are anti-law enforcement and engage in “street action,” aka violence.

The also quote the SPCL that there is no evidence of far-right or white supremacist false-flag violence.

We’re not talking about Reason or the Heritage Foundation saying this.  It is the ADL and SPLC, far Left-leaning organizations that see Nazis and Klansmen in every shadow.

This is something that has been crystal clear from the beginning.  Antifa had engaged in violent “street action” before up and down the Pacific Northwest for the last three years.

For all the memes put out by the alt-right and white supremacists, false flags are not what they do.  Tiki torches and idiot grandstanding bravado are their style.

Pushing the narrative that suddenly these two groups both pulled a 180 on their behaviors during major protests across the country is beyond incredulous.

Despite all the memes, Antifa is not like our GIs who fought the Nazis.  My grandfather, who was an artillery forward observer in the European theater, would not have thrown a brick through the window of a bank, torched a cop car, or beat someone for carrying an American flag.  Anyone who suggests that the masked anarcho-communists spray painting “ACAB” on cop cars and buildings comes from the same moral principles as my grandfather can get fucked with a fire hydrant.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “The NYT makes an amazing admission about the protests that contradicts the narrative”
  1. On “anti-fa”, clearly this is a place to remember the quote attributed to Huey Long: “Yes, we will have Fascism in America — but we will call it Anti-Fascism”.

  2. The rioters being white supremacists and antifa is not necessarily mutually exclusive. Antifa is mostly a bunch of white punks who claim to be helping the “oppressed” black-man because black folks just ain’t smart enough to know what’s good for them without an elite white woman telling them what to do. Communists and fascists differ mostly by their uniforms.

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