By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The one where I support Defunding the Police”
  1. This guy’s problem is that he didn’t break any windows or burn any buildings. As we’ve learned over the last 6 months, _that’s_ how you get results. ?

  2. Well, despite my not agreeing with the female cop’s position, I do agree with one thing she said. That’s not how you do this.

    Wait for the guy to go inside, and flatten all four tires on his car.
    Put a brick through the windshield, or pay some homeless guy to do the same.
    Spray paint the front and side windows.
    You have a restaurant? You probably have some sort of produce, like a potato? That car has a tailpipe? Connect the dots.

    All of which produce the same intended result–his car is immobilized for a while. And your car is not towed, And you are not arrested/targeted/known by the police. They have nothing to do with it.
    And if they do come around: “Those damn homeless need to go! I guess I gotta get me a security camera.”

    And I’m being nice. I haven’t suggested more destructive and permanent means, like fireworks, gasoline other other things.

    That doesn’t even begin to touch on the 4g warfare nature of it, which, if my livelihood was being threatened, and I had lots of time on my hands, could lead to some interesting things…

    1. At that point you may as well barricade the health inspector in the freezer and say you never saw them. That car was sitting there empty when you showed up for work this morning.

  3. The acting mayor in my city is so proud of the more than 200 citations her personal health mandate gestapo handed out. So proud.

    That is my taxpayer dollars that are being used, and to be honest, I am tired of it.

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