This is a veteran running for Congress.

Wishing your opponents would disappear by magic is only a Harry Potter veneer on Stalinist genocidal fantasies.

Every Leftist from Hitler to Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot to Che and Castro has tried to implement utopia by disappearing their opponents.  Be it gas chambers, firing squads, gulags, or killing fields, this is how the Left operates.

Judson has the same ideas, only he doesn’t admit that his ideas are that bloody, only wave a magic wand and make it so.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “The only way the Left can win us to eliminate the opposition”
  1. He even has “Scorched Earth” in his Twitter handle.

    Note this: “In 2020 we spent $345 Billion on Interest from our National Debt. I want a MASSIVE wealth tax focused on inherited wealth in amounts >$10 Million to pay that down. We’ll be able to fund Higher Ed and make K-12 the best in the world with the money we save:-)”

    Uhh, even if you did that, it’s a one-time thing. You can’t keep doing the same to continue spending.

    And get this gem in the responses:

    “New York City has a bigger budget ($95 billion) than the federal government of Finland. Look at what NYC has done to ensure health care is affordable, education is superb, and poverty is non-existent.”

      1. Oswald was an avowed communist and a murderer. I’m surprised he’s not on t-shirts and posters like Che.

  2. He’s just stating in a roundabout way what pretty much every leftist and Democrat party member thinks: Kill every single solitary person that voted for Trump, votes Republican or has any conservative values and tax the shit out of everyone and the United States will be a wonderful utopia.

    Makes you wonder what they’ll think and do when it isn’t.

    1. Nope, I know exactly what they’ll do.

      Make a scapegoat, kill the scapegoat. Repeat until perfection is achieved.

      And they will keep doing it until they are stopped.

  3. Veteran, eh? I wonder.
    Certainly not a real one in the sense of a person who lived, and still lives, the oath he would have taken if that were true.

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