That this comes from the UN is particularly disgusting after you read what was that she did.

Lisa Montgomery fatally strangled a pregnant woman, Bobbie Jo Stinnett, cut open her body, and kidnapped her baby. In December 2004, as part of a premeditated murder-kidnap scheme, Montgomery drove from her home in Kansas to Stinnett’s home in Missouri, purportedly to purchase a puppy.  Once inside the residence, Montgomery attacked and strangled Stinnett—who was eight months pregnant—until the victim lost consciousness.  Using a kitchen knife, Montgomery then cut into Stinnett’s abdomen, causing her to regain consciousness.  A struggle ensued, and Montgomery strangled Stinnett to death.  Montgomery then removed the baby from Stinnett’s body, took the baby with her, and attempted to pass it off as her own.  Montgomery subsequently confessed to murdering Stinnett and abducting her child.  In October 2007, a jury in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri found Montgomery guilty of federal kidnapping resulting in death, and unanimously recommended a death sentence, which the court imposed.  Her conviction and sentence were affirmed on appeal, and her request for collateral relief was rejected by every court that considered it.  Montgomery is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on December 8, 2020, at U.S. Penitentiary Terre Haute, Indiana.

Executions Scheduled for Two Federal Inmates Convicted of Heinous Murders

Knowing how many times murder like this has happened under the eyes of the United Nations and their reaction has been one of shrugging shoulders and maybe release some stupid statement just makes me mad. How many pregnant mothers were treated to a similar faith during the Rwanda genocide while the UN “Peacekeeper” sat on their fat asses and did shit? And now they have the balls to come over and criticize the US because at least we are sending the killer to get ass reamed by Satan?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The other Federal execution has the UN protesting.”
  1. But of course Trump and Trump voters deserve to die because they allowed the Chinese to release (accidentally or otherwise) a virus that killed over 200 million thousand Americans.

  2. She was merely putting a “Woman’s Right to Choose” into action. This time she ended the Mother’s life, not the childs.

  3. I remember when that murder went down.

    General consensus from both sides of the political aisle was “don’t bother wasting time and money on a trial or jail.”

    Then again, that was before Trump.

  4. I wonder if anti-US politicians will use this to push their notion that the USA should submit to “international law” (as perpetrated by the UN and its allies), overriding the Constitution.
    It’s been hinted at in the past; Hilary once suggested that the UN “small arms treaty” could be used to abolish the 2nd Amendment.
    Unfortunately, the Constitution is not sufficiently explicit that treaties rank below “the supreme Law of the Land”. Jefferson argued very effectively that they must, though he did it in the context of violating that principle (in the case of the Louisiana Purchase, which did something by treaty that Congress has no enumerated power to do by law). It would be useful to have an amendment that makes the rule explicit. Not that courts pay much attention, but when they go against black letter law it is slightly easier to push back and publicly shame them for their lawlessness.

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