Holy shit, Democrats stupid and ignorant.

I know, I know, that’s nothing new.  But the level of stupidity and ignorance that has come out because of the Coronavirus is blowing my mind.

First, from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.  The favorite Cuomo son.  Although after this Tweet, Don Lemon’s fluffer might take the lead.

The Defense Production Act does NOT nationalize any industry in the United States.

According to the Military Times:

The Act gives the federal government broad authority to direct private companies to meet the needs of the national defense.

The act authorizes the president to require companies to prioritize government contracts and orders seen as necessary for the national defense, with the goal of ensuring that the private sector is producing enough goods needed to meet a war effort or other national emergency.

It also authorizes the president to use loans, direct purchases and other incentives to boost the production of critical goods and essential materials.

Other provisions authorize the federal government to establish voluntary agreements with private industry and to block foreign mergers and acquisitions seen as harmful to national security.

According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica:

It is historically a more recent development than, and differs in motive and degree from, expropriation, or eminent domain, which is the right of government to take property, sometimes without compensation, for particular public purposes (such as the construction of roads, reservoirs, or hospitals).

Nationalization has accompanied the implementation of communist or socialist theories of government, as was the case in the transfer of industrial, banking, and insurance enterprises to the state in Russia after 1918, the nationalization of the oil industries in Mexico in 1938 and in Iran in 1951, and the nationalization of foreign businesses in Cuba in 1960.

Under the DPA, Trump could mandate companies that make medical supplies necessary to fight the Coronavirus sign contracts for the production of said supplies and prioritize their delivery over other products to other customers.

That is nothing like Trump seizing a privately owned or publically traded company and making it a public asset and having some bureaucrat run it.  Under the US Constitution, the only way Trump could remotely do that is to buy the company, at its current valuation under eminent domain.

Andrew Cuomo went to law school and passed the NY bar exam.  He was the Attorney General of New York.  He should know this.

He’s not the only one.

Chirs Murphy is a sitting United States Senator and a graduate of the University of Connecticut law school and is a member of the Connecticut Bar Association.  He too should know better.

Also, there is no bidding against one another for medical supplies.  3M announced that it was prioritizing shipping 500,000 respirators to the areas hardest hit by Coronavirus.  They’ve also announced round-the-clock increased production and are set to make 35 Million respirators per month in the United States.

So that inefficiency that Senator Murphy was talking about is just a bullshit straw man.

But wait, there’s more.

Bill DeBlasio, perhaps the single most universally hated politician in America, wants to send in the military to nationalize our industry and CNN’s talking potato, Brian Stelter, is amplifying this message.

Stelter isn’t even good enough to fluff Don Lemon’s fluffer.  Surpinsgly he is younger than me even though he looks to be in his mid 40’s.

“Why won’t the president give the order to mobilize our military to guarantee that these products are being produced?”

How in the fuck is that supposed to work exactly?

Like I’ve said, I was a production engineer for five years.  Assembly of items takes skill.  New hires are slow, experienced workers are faster.

Is the plan to put soldiers on the assembly line?  Who will train them?  What will be the fallout rate when they as new hires make mistakes?  Will they fix machines or perform preventative maintenance?

Maybe the military will just ship the products in the backs of military transport trucks driving the private trucking industry out of business?

Maybe they will just do what the Soviets and Chinese did and point guns at workers threatening to shoot those who don’t work quickly enough?

As a production engineer, I figure the best way for Trump to guarantee peak production is to tell the manufacturers “we will pay for all the overtime you have  to pay to keep production up.”  Let 3M employees cash out on huge overtime and production bonuses.  I’ve seen what happens in a factory when you do that.  People bust their asses.

This is America.  If you want Americans to work faster and do a good job of it, just throw bonus money at them.

But the most amazing thing about this is that it is the same people who have spent the last three years telling us that Bad Orange Man was Cheeto Hitler and a tyrant and a despot, now want him to do what Hitler and Lennin did and nationalize the medical supply industry and send the military into private companies to force them to do the governments bidding.

I just think that because they are panicked over the Coronavirus, they are letting their inner tyrant out, not really caring about who the President is.  It’s a crisis and they want to take control.  When they get freaked out, they only want to do that more.









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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The people who hate Cheeto Hitler want him to act more like Hitler”
  1. Paraphrasing a comment on Joe Huffman’s blog;
    1 They want the government to control everything
    2 They want to control the government

    And these types have history to back up them up that one day their side of the uniparty will be back in the majority of both houses of congress and occupying the oval office. So, they’ll swallow the reincarnation of Hitler for now?

    But both sides of this rotten coin have the same character flaw.
    They’ve let power corrupt them.
    Just look at the current occupants of the DOJ asking congress for the power to ‘detain’ anyone indefinitely.

    Let’s just ‘never mind’ the 4th & 5th amendments of the Bill of Rights!

    It’s like he’s channeling Rham Emanuel’s “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that, it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

    I’m like 51% probably sure that AG Barr believes he has the ‘best intentions’ in mind asking for this to cover some unforeseeable necessity caused by this virus catastrophe, but William Pitt the Younger is quoted:
    Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.

    I don’t know where we will be as a nation after this is over, but I think where we were isn’t going to be it.

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