At timestamp 38:55 in the video of the press conference below, one reporter asked: “When it comes to contact tracing, how are you guys going to handle people or families who want to refuse to test or to self isolate? If they want to leave their home to get groceries I know you’ve said they can’t do that; how will you make sure they don’t?“

Below is Jay Inslee’s response:

“We will have attached to the families a family support person who will check in with them to see what they need on a daily basis… and help them. If they can’t get a friend to do their grocery shopping, we will help get them groceries in some fashion. If they need pharmaceuticals to be picked up, we will make sure they get their pharmaceuticals… That’s going to help encourage them to maintain their isolation too.

“As far as refusal, it just shouldn’t come to that, and it really hasn’t. We’ve had really good success when we ask people to isolate, and they’ve done so in really high percentages, so we’re happy about that, and we believe that will continue.”

Therefore, those individuals that refuse to cooperate with contact tracers and/or refuse testing, those individuals will not be allowed to leave their homes to purchase basic necessities such as groceries and/or prescriptions. Those persons will need to make arrangements through friends, family, or a state provided “family support personnel.”

Governor Inslee lays out statewide contact tracing plan for COVID-19

Some days like today, I really have a tough time sitting down and writing a post, specially after reading crap like this.  I thought it was bad when they blackmailed restaurants into keeping name and other info of customers as condition to do a reduced opening, but I guess I was wrong and by a lot.

We are watching the creation of “unerwünscht(undesirables) lists and I fear what will be their application in the future since history has taught us it never ends well.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “The People’s Republic of Washington State will assign you a valet/jailer.”
  1. Gruppenführer Inslee doesn’t think people will refuse to comply. However, if they choose not to comply, He will make them wear a yellow star, and weld their door shut. But of course, it’s their choice.

  2. Sounds like a new growth industry, encourage the unemployed to be jailers. I bet they try to make people wear an ankle bracelet when they find out that it costs too much to pay individuals to babysit.

    I think people in blue areas have just about passed Claire Wolfe’s line. We are definitely passed awkward…..
    “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” – Claire Wolfe

    People infected with this bug aren’t Typhoid Mary. They aren’t infecting everyone that they meet. This order is total BS and should be responded to with pitchforks, torches and lead. It’s long past being about safety. Now it’s just about control, because they can.

  3. They’ll probably try something similar here in NY. I know they want to do contact tracers, and my understanding is Bloomberg is helping fund it. I mean, he’s a nice guy, he wouldn’t have any malicious intent, right? I’m going to refuse out of spite. Ask me to do something, sure. Tell me I have to? Fuck off.

  4. Wait… this is the proverbial other shoe, isn’t it? Think back a few days to the revelations about infection status being shared with the cops, the post office, the dogcatcher, and so on. Didn’t I (as did Reltney Mcfee) make a sarcastic remark about this sharing policy being a fine way to encourage people to get tested?
    Now we’re up to compulsory testing for everyone, on pain of indefinite confinement plus shunning and perhaps outlawry. (Wait, do we suddenly have enough test capacity to go around? Did WA just get a big shipment of highly-questionable test kits from China? Maybe with some percentage of the swabs pre-contaminated?)

  5. Saw the state off and push it out to sea. Maybe it will drift to C H I N A. Funny how powerful they are where guns are scarce

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