I’m going to keep covering the Manning Campaign. This is the Left wing version of the election of Trump.
If Trump was the Right saying that they were done with career politicians and they wanted a fighter than Manning is the Left saying they are done with career politicians and want a traitor in office.
So here are a few Tweets from his Twitter feed from only the last week.
universal basic income ??? #WeGotThis
— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) January 16, 2018
This would end the economy. What percent of Americans who got a UBI would never work? What percent would decide that a life of subsidized indolence is all they want?
the reign of terror must end ?️?♀️??️ disarm, defund, dismantle, and abolish @icegov and @customsborder as an unchecked national police force ??? #WeGotThis #NoNationalPolice
— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) January 16, 2018
Manning is part of the no boarders crowd.
If you combine these first two Tweets, it seems like his platform is let anybody into America who wants to come here and then give them a basic income at tax payer expense.
We might as well just up and forfeit the nation because it would invite just about every person from every third world, shithole, nation on earth to live for free on the American taxpayer’s dime.
so @icegov is literally the new gestapo ??? #AbolishICE #WeGotThis https://t.co/mpp1s47KiV
— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) January 10, 2018
Nope. Just nope. This is not the systematic hunting down and extermination of people because of their religion or ethnicity. These are people who are arresting criminals who willfully violated federal law. But seeing as how he violated a law that stood in the way of his politics, it’s obvious he doesn’t actually care about the law.
reminder: we live in a full blown domestic occupation ??♀️??♀️???? ?? #WeGotThis https://t.co/KgZk2BI213
— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) January 9, 2018
Here is the Fox Tweet.
•933,000+ law enforcement personnel in the U.S.
•652,000+ sworn officers
•88% of officers are men; 12% are women
•12,000+ local police departments
•About 1/2 of departments employ fewer than 10 officers https://t.co/6XHPJsD8fU— Fox News Research (@FoxNewsResearch) January 9, 2018
There are roughly 323 Million people in the US. That puts the “full blown domestic occupation” at 0.29% or 1 cop for every 346 people.
When the German army invaded France, they used 3.3 Million troops to take a country of roughly 41 Million people. That means the German army had 1 solder for every 12 Frenchmen. A ratio of 1:346 is not an occupying force. That’s like saying Austin, Texas is occupying the United States.
But why let facts get in the way of emoji laden hysterics.
Chelsea Manning is a full blown anti-Cop, anti-functioning goverment, anti-boarders, redistributive nutjob. This is the Antifa platform.
You would think that taking him down would be easy, but he is a god damned darling of the Left.
I hate to agree, but there is something to this “no national police” thing. I see no Constitutional article authorizing the existence of a national police.
Does it bar controlling immigration? Does it bar import tariffs?
Manning has no clue that open borders would mean a whole lot more folks flowing in who would not be tolerant of him in any manner whatsoever.
Why is it even legal for a convicted felon to be allowed to run for office. Especially a traitor that should have been executed.
I guess because in left wing states like Maryland and Virginia, felons have been given the right to “participate in elections” as a way to ensure more Democrats get elected.
Virginia rushed through that law in 2016 in a tight race to ensure the Democrat won the governorship.
Was it a law? I thought it was just something the VA governor did with this pen and phone.
Keep your powder dry… its gonna happen… then we can neuter every one of them!! dirt naps… no rules of engagement!!!
Y all are forgetting Obamas “civilian police force as well funded and equiped as the US army” . Our biggest problem is just that- FORGETTING.