From the article in the Tweet:

The case of a double fatal hit-and-run that happened on New Year’s Eve in San Francisco is igniting a firestorm among critics, who say this tragedy could have been prevented.

That’s because the suspected driver, Troy McAlister, was out on parole at the time of the crash.

McAlister has a long rap sheet and has been arrested numerous times in San Francisco since April 10, 2020, when he finished a sentence for robbery.

Boudin has a history of referring cases involving repeat offenders to parole instead of prosecuting.

This is what needs to be understood, this is a feature not a bug.

Totalitarian societies want to beat you down and humiliate you into submission.

That is why why force you to say 2+2=5.

They want you to live in a world where a convicted criminal with a long history of violent crimes is free to walk around but you must cower in fear if you want to eat at a restaurant with your mask off.

This isn’t about justice, it is about making you live in an upside-down world where you cannot rely on your common sense to live you life, but must submit to their most capricious whims.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “The point is to make good people live in fear”
  1. Very accurate thoughts, thanks.
    It is a wonder that things have gotten to the point that the statement “common sense is not so common anymore” is wrong and should be corrected to, “common sense is no longer allowed”. Let’s try and change that. Start with politicians that live on the public dole and work to be reelected, change it back to public servants that have self limited terms and then back to the community that elected them to continue their careers. Example our first President, George Washington, two terms then back to farming even though the country tried to make him king.

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