These two tweets:


The reply is almost giddy about the idea of some billionaire tech mogul and a bunch of Silicon Valley programmers from Berekely and Cal Tech putting truckers out of work.

First of all, the idea of a driverless truck is like the idea of a pilotless plane.  Autopilot systems are fantastic, but nobody would fly a plane without a pilot in the cockpit.  The idea of millions of trucks transporting goods across America, traveling down our highways where people are committing, without a human behind the wheel is not something the public is going to buy.

But forget the for a second.

There are 3.5 million truckers in the US right now.  It is one of the highest paying jobs in America for a person without a college degree.    Independent trucking is one of the fastest-growing small businesses for someone without a college degree.

So in essence, trucking is a way for millions of (predominantly) men to make s good salary (~$60,000/yr) with only a little post-high school education (CDL Training).

You go right ahead and take those jobs away and tell those men that they have been rendered obsolete by a handful of pencil-necked software developers and some megalomaniacal Leftist tech Robber Barron who made billions of dollars putting them out of work and that they deserve it because they supported Trump.

I will give Andrew Yang one thing, he actually tried to consider the people put out of work by technology, even if he did it poorly.  Others on the Left see this as a good thing, where they destroy blue-collar jobs with automation because the blue-collar now support Trump.

I can’t imagine how violent and bloody it will get when millions upon millions of men are made permanently unemployed by tech billionaires and shown only sneering derision by the Left and are told that they deserve it.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “The political-techno revolution”
  1. KiksG says truckers will be “irreverent”? LOL

    Past that screw-up, this is a cousin to the philosophy of ruining Trump supporters’ lives we’ve been discussing. These people will not be having a good time if folks in these groups are completely disenfranchised.

  2. These lefty kooks will eventually learn the lesson the Japs learned after Pearl Harbor when they “awakened a sleeping giant”. Blue collared Americans far out number techy lefties. And bunches are armed to the teeth. And tired of the bullsiite

  3. Putting their malevolence aside, this is simply an unfeasible plan.
    A great example is the advent of the car; horse and buggy did not immediately go out of business, it took years of manufacturers shouldering the costs and pumping out autos for them to be cheap enough for the general populace to even consider them as the alternative. It was not overnight.
    Same with their hard on for “green” energy (yes, I know of their pitfalls). Our whole economy is already centered around the old energy standards, it would take many years for the alternative to become cheap and efficient enough to consider switching over.

    We’re already set up for trucking, as you’ve said. Smart self driving cars are just not cheap and viable enough to completely replace them overnight. It just can’t be done the way they want them to without plunging everyone into abject poverty, save their tech overlords.

    Then again, leftists worship technology like it’s an omniscient god that can only be understood by those approved by their institutions who, btw, must also believe that math is racist cuz it’s made by white men. I put no stock in their understanding of reality.

  4. Not to mention that so far there has not been a safe driverless vehicle out on the highway. There are just too many situations that require a human brain.

    1. Indeed. For that matter, there aren’t even self-flying airplanes, and that job is massively simpler than driving a car.

  5. Naw. This is just the venting of a bunch of leftist minions. Te bosses are generally smarter than that. I know everyone likes to bash the “stupid” left, but I think that’s underestimating the enemy. They haven’t gotten to the threatening position they hold today without some smart strategy and organization. Just because their supporters BELIEVE the stupid crap they say doesn’t mean that THEY believe it. It’s just a form of control.
    It’s not worth it to them to make a disgruntled group of people just for the sake of “payback”. If they thought it was worth it to send a message, no doubt they wouldn’t hesitate, but in this case they’d probably see it as an opportunity to win the truckers over to their side. All they’d have to do is offer them “free money” from the public teat, make “the plight of the truckers” part of their platform, position themselves as their friends and the heartless corporate Republicans as their enemy. “Capitalism has victimized you, but we care, and that’s why WE are passing a bill to grant $60,000 a year to truckers unemployed by self driving trucks”.
    Though it’s not likely to happen soon. We will get self-driving trucks, but they will still have drivers for a long time to come. It will just make their job easier, so they don’t have to spend all their time actually driving, just riding along in case something goes wrong. Kind of like airline pilots. We DO actually have the technology for planes to fly themselves. They already basically do. Just no one is ready to totally take the pilots out of the planes yet.

  6. Had a discussion with a computer guy regarding computer control of industrial processes. He did not feel that an independent, manual control was required. I responded: “Yeah, I’ve never seen a computer freeze or experienced the ‘blue screen of death.'”

    1. Indeed, NRW.

      My reply to “self running….well, anything!” is four words: Blue Screen Of Death”.

      Or one: “rebooting”.

      Alternately, “updating….”

      Yep, LURV! me an electronic medical record

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