The great Democrat Senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, famously said: “everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”

The Left loves to make up their own facts because that is the only way the can defend their own opinions.

To listen to the Left on the Kenosha shooting, you would think that Kyle Rittenhouse drove to Kenosha with the explicit intent to murder peaceful minority protesters and fired randomly into a crow holding hands while singing “We Shall Overcome.”

He has been called a vigilante.

Give that narrative, no wonder they believe that his claims of self-defense are a lie.  This also explains why the partisan hack of a prosecutor in Wisconsin radically overcharged him with First Degree Premeditated Murder.

With this in mind, Michael Forest Reinoehl told an independent journalist who publishes in VICE, that he shot Aaron “Jay” Danielson in self-defense.

He accused Danielson of trying to stab him and another person.

Reinoehl said. “I had no choice. I mean, I, I had a choice. I could have sat there and watched them kill a friend of mine of color. But I wasn’t going to do that.”

He found himself in a confrontation with a man who he says threatened him and another protester with a knife. “Had I stepped forward, he would have maced or stabbed me,” Reinoehl said.

He, unlike Rittenhouse, did not turn himself over to police to report the self-defense shooting.  He made up a bullshit excuse as to why.

Bystander video from multiple angles show a man who resembles Reinoehl and appears to have the same neck tattoo fire two shots at Danielson and then walk away. “I was confident that I did not hit anyone innocent and I made my exit,” he said.

He had not turned himself in, he said, because he believed right-wing protesters were collaborating with police, who will not protect him or his family.

We’ve seen the video his the shooting of Danielson, just like we saw the Rittenhouse shooting.

This is what Danielson’s friends told the New York Post:

Portland shooting victim Aaron Danielson was ‘hunted’ down and ‘executed,’ friend says

The man shot dead after a Portland rally was “hunted” down in what his pal who was with him believes was a “planned” execution.

“They executed my partner,” Chandler Pappas told the Common Sense Conservative about watching Aaron “Jay” Danielson’s death Saturday in the latest round of violence in the Oregon city.

“They hunted him down — they hunted us down,” he said, believing the gunman noticed their caps in support of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, which Pappas again wore during the interview.

This seems to be corroborated by the video in which someone shouts “we got a couple right here” in reference to the Trump supporters just before the shots were fired.

So as much as the evidence in the Rittenhouse shooting makes the case for self-defense, the evidence in the Reinoehl does not.

However, I fully expect the local DA to buy that and give his Trump supporter murdering Antifa buddy a free pass because facts don’t matter in the Left’s justicial system, only political allegiance.


It doesn’t matter anymore, the shit is going to hit the fan.

Good news for us but bad news for Portland:

Federal task force kills Portland shooting suspect during arrest

A man suspected of fatally shooting a supporter of a right-wing group in Portland, Oregon, last week after a caravan of Donald Trump backers rode through downtown was killed Thursday as investigators moved in to arrest him, the U.S. Marshals Service said Friday.

Federal agents from the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service had located Reinoehl on Thursday after a warrant was issued for his arrest. During the encounter, Reinoehl was shot by a law enforcement officer who was working on the federal task force, the official said. The official could not discuss the matter publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

The official said Reinoehl had pulled a gun during the encounter. The U.S. Marshals Service said initial reports indicate the suspect produced a firearm.

Anyone with a functioning brain knows what is going to happen next.

Antifa/Democrats/the Left are going to claim that this was some sort of Trump ordered assassination, where Trump’s “personal army” murdered a “peaceful” BLM activist blah, blah, blah…

This is going to lead to more riots – as if they needed more of an excuse – and more violence.

I don’t know if Reinoehl had this in mind, but he just became a martyr for the cause and shit is only going to get worse.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “The Portland DA is going to buy this bulls**t – BREAKING UPDATE”
  1. That’s exactly what the comments over on the NYT are saying, some talking about building a statue to this ‘hero’. They all ignore the section (way down in the article) where interviewed neighbors say they saw an armed man walking down the street right before the shooting.


    Portland Antifa is already having “mixed feelings” here, because this dude, who proclaimed himself “100% antifa” assaulted people who he determined were not antifa-enough.

    Of course, no one went to the police, because eff the police, right?

    He also may have been affiliated with Portland Protest Bureau, an organization that most of the twitter accounts I have been tracking absolutely hate. In at least one instance, they called for a protest site to be moved, did an interview with CNN with the 200 or so protesters they convinced to move to the new spot, and then left when the camera turned off. The protest fizzled after that and there was no riot. Many sad faces were had.

  3. So, ANTIFAg got their KR moment with Michael F Reinoehl. Has anyone noticed that NONE of the victims or shooters in these high profile events are POC?
    Now there’s a call for a nation wide riot because … I dunno, “We got us a revolution to fight.”?
    None of this has anything to do with Black Lives Mattering or not. Millions of dollars wasted on ANTIFA/BLM anger

    1. Makes sense. Just like communist revolutionaries are never people who actually work for a living, never mind “workers” in the sense they use that term (blue collar workers, farm laborers, etc.).

  4. That’s what we call a ‘crispy critter’ around here… Pull a gun on the Marshals and you are fuckin’ around to find out.

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