Remember how the media and Leftist a activists were all hot and bothered that Congresswoman Katie Hill was forced to resign for sleeping with subordinates?  They all were absolutely certain that no man would be subjected to the same humiliation.

Well ask and ye shall receive.

The CEO of McDonald’s, Steve Easterbrook, was forced to resign after having a consensual relationship with an employee in violation of company policy.

He’s not running around claiming to be the victim.  He fucked around, got found out, and is now paying the price.

And what price is that?

His total compensation for last year was $16 million, $1.3 in base and the rest on bonus and stock.

His parachute isn’t even all that golden.   He gets 26 weeks of base salary and a two year noncompete.

That sounds like a lot but this is the kind of thing that ends a CEO’s career.   He couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and cost McDonald’s a 3% dip in stock.

What fast food company would risk hiring him on after that?

I hope for his sake the sex was worth $16 million, because that’s what it cost him.

So rather than the high fives and locker room pats on the back the media said a man banging a subordinate would get.  He got tossed out of the penthouse with hardly enough parachute to break his fall.

I’d ask if the media was eating thier words from last week, but we all know they are not.

The point was never to ask an honest question about leaders having sex with subordinates but to provide cover for a Democrat.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The Private Sector vs Congressional Democrat Double Standards”
  1. Nope. Media’s busily trying to twist this to conform to their commie agenda.
    Words like “evil whiteness,” “patriarchy,” “racism” and “cis-gendered” are being tossed around while they write up biased articles.

    Short version: Hill’s a victim of the system, Easterbrook deserves to be punished.


  2. I do not know the political leanings of the CEO of McD’s, but I believe my axiom remains valid.

    “It is not the action taken by the person that is offensive, it is the political affiliation of the person taking the action that is offensive.”

    Katie Hill’s resignation for having a free range sex life is a travesty because she is a progressive democrat. A man having to resign from a CEO position does not count because he is a man.

  3. Amazing how often these noble warriors for a new, just society are corrupt. Honestly, you’d think their social justice stances are just cover for them being nasty pieces of work.

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