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Antifa are a bunch of white kids with daddy issues LARPing socialist revolutionaries funded by high ranking Leftists.  In their hearts they are cowards.  They don’t want get in real trouble so they try and get black people to do the real damage.

It seems that some black people have caught on to this are are non taking kindly to it.

I can’t wait to see some black activists beat some Antifa liberal arts major from Evergreen State to death.  Watching the media try and wrestle with that will be glorious.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The protestors are getting sick of Antifa trying to stir sh*t up”
  1. Myself, in the spirit of communal sharing, I’d be happy if the righteous protesters, beat two of the pathogens, HALF to death.

    Besides, the stories the beat-ees would tell, might elicit a wave of Paul-on-the-road-to-Tarsus moments.

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