From Steve Keeley of FOX29 Philadelphia:

This is from Philadephia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw (never was a name more appropriate):

You can mug someone, steal their car, and go loot a store and all the Philadelphia police will do is write your name down so they can serve you with a warrant for your arrest at a later date.

She might as well have announced, “all property crime will be legal between 4:00 PM and Midnight.”

At this point I’d like to know which will kill more Americans under the age of 60, the Coronavirus or criminal taking advantage of the virus-induced police stand-down.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “The Purge comes to the City of Brotherly Love”
  1. And progtard propaganda-dispersal-meatsacks (laughably called “journalists” by their commie overlords) still pretend they don’t know why people are buying guns at breakneck pace in those areas…


    1. Burglary is in fact nonviolent. It’s a crime against property, not against the person. If a burglary becomes violent, it becomes another crime entirely (robbery, home invasion, etc.). Kinda like how a delivery of a controlled substance can become a murder.

      1. Yes, though TV talking heads often use robbery as an (incorrect) synonym for burglary.
        On the other hand, it seems to me that “theft from persons” is a misleading term for what is actually robbery. If you steal from my home or car when I’m not there, that’s certainly burglary. If you yank my wallet out of my pocket, or the purse out of my wife’s hand, that’s robbery and needs to be treated as a violent crime.

  2. Holy… this virus is like a leftist’s wet dream. Next step, martial law to stop the out of control mugging, looting, etc… Then door to door searches “for the public’s safety”

    The funny part, is the very leftist mayors/governors/journalists that would be the first to accuse Trump of trying to turn the US into a police state, are actually the ones taking the first step, or cheering it on.

  3. But what happens to a copper who makes an arrest for a violent crime, then the crime gets downgraded, either as part of a plea agreement or just on GP? I’ve personally seen (not in Philadelphia) armed robberies get downgraded to theft from a person by the prosecutor, long before the offender went to court.
    Plus, of course, these coppers are not being issued any personal protection gear. In Philly, the coppers have been told to buy their own, but of course there’s none to be had. So, you’re driving down the street in your squad and you see someone coming out of a house carrying two pillowcases full of who-knows-what. You can’t arrest him, you can only expose yourself to a disease you can’t protect yourself from. Are you gonna conduct a Terry stop, identify the offender, and give him a worthless ticket he’ll never answer? Or are you going to use the prudent police tactic popularized in the past few years of de-policing as FIDO (Fuck It, Drive On)?
    I hope the citizens are rodded up.

  4. Lovely, something else to worry about. (Family within reasonable criminal commute distance of the city.)

  5. I’d like to note that aptly named Commissioner Outlaw is the same traitor with a badge responsible for Portland cops standing back and laughing while antifa committed numerous acts of attempted murder in front of them.

    Figures she’d be up to the same tricks now that she’s in Philly.

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