The latest I am hearing about why police in Atlanta is racist and killers is because they shot Rayshard Brooks because he aimed a Taser he stole from one of the cops and attempted to shoot at the other. I mean, it was just a Taser, right?  It is not like it was going to kill the officer!


But wait, we are hearing from the same people that not too long ago were screaming loudly that Tasers were a deadly weapon.  Search the web for “Taser Deaths” and you will have from the Brits to Amnesty International decrying the use of such a deadly weapon.

And if that is not all.

The Georgia Supreme Court has recognized that stun guns and Tasers may be considered offensive weapons that are likely to result in serious bodily injury, depending on how they’re used (Harwell v. State, 512 S.E.2d 892 (Ga. Sup. Ct. 1999))

Stun Gun Laws in Georgia

The officer that shot Brooks was fired and the Police Chief quit. I do believe there is a good chance the officer will be re-instated or that he will get a doozy of payment in the possible lawsuit for wrongful termination.

The Left did such a good job of demonizing the Taser that it made possible a full and legal defense of the officer while at the same time looking like idiots for speaking with a forked tongue.

Reader Old 1811 tipped us about Second City Cop’s post:

A TALE OF TWO INCIDENTS by The Atlanta DA’s Office and the Atlanta Mayor.

Incident 1) 5 Atlanta Police Officers fired last week for using a taser to remove two college students from a car. Officers were fired because the Atlanta District Attorney’s Office deemed the Officer’s use of the taser was DEADLY PHYSICAL FORCE.

Incident 2) A suspect who failed a field sobriety test and deemed Driving While Intoxicated resists arrest, fights with police, steals the officers taser (robbery) and escapes. During the pursuit, the suspect turns and fires the taser at the officer’s head and was shot and eventually dies. The Atlanta mayor calls for the Officer to be fired because he used deadly physical force against a taser.

BURNING QUESTION: Why is using a taser considered Deadly Physical Force when it’s used by a police officer but not Deadly Physical Force when used against a police officer by a suspect?


Multi Million Dollar Lawsuit…

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The Rayshard Brooks shooting makes liars out of people. (Update)”
  1. There’s no appeasing the BLM crowd. Ferguson was a good shoot, but it didn’t matter. The media helped them push the lie that it wasn’t. I’m not sure what the end game is. Maybe they think black people shouldn’t be subject to arrest? Maybe they are to be above the law?

    1. I think the end game is what Matthew Bracken described in “What I saw at the coup” — sufficient chaos that a putsch can take place “to restore order”. The left is of course forgetting that they will get to play the role not of Stalin but of Trotsky.

    2. Correct, there is no appeasing the BLM crowd.

      Remember when they were demanding the police all wear body cams? Then the conviction rate skyrocketed because it is tough to argue against video evidence. So, body cams were then considered racist.

      Yeah, fun times.

  2. In todays environment, I doubt the officer will get his job back. When the dust settles he may get a boatload of cash courtesy of the Atlanta taxpayers. It may actually cover his legal bills defending himself from the lawsuit that the Brooks family will file. I expect that the main result of this will be that Atlanta cops won’t respond to minor calls in black neighborhoods or where, one or more of the suspects are identified as black.

  3. “….at the same time looking like idiots for speaking with a forked tongue.”

    That’s an everyday thing for progtards.

  4. A Taser is designed to incapacitate. If used with malice to incapacitate a person with a sidearm, that sidearm is then accessible to the attacker. Police officers that lose retention of their sidearm are very likely to get shot by that same sidearm. Whether or not the Taser itself might be fatal is less of a concern.

  5. According to the Second City Cop blog (run by two Chicago PD officers, one retired, one working), a short time ago an Atlanta copper was fired for using a Taser to remove a drunk driver from his vehicle. The reason? Using a Taser is deadly force, which was not justified in that situation. Apparently, a Taser is a deadly weapon if it’s used BY the police, but not if it’s used AGAINST the police. I don’t think these idiots understand about reaping the whirlwind.

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