And she won.

Better writers than me will cover last night electoral massacre (for the Democrats) in Virginia. But I felt at least I had to share this.

I do hope there is an audit of this election because I want to know how  Glenn Youngkin had a comfortable 12 point lead and ended up with barely 3 when all was done and closed. And ultra blue Fairfax County went all Broward Electoral commission stopping the count and announcing it had to “re-scan” all the votes, the announcing it was done 100% only to go back and say they weren’t done while the distance between candidates grew smaller.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “The Republican are so racists!”
  1. I heard some news anchor pontificating about the dangerous racism of the Republican party. Yeah? Well, conservatives weren’t the ones who started the KKK. We didn’t put Japanese Americans in internment camps. Our candidate didn’t say, “Poor kids are as smart as white kids” or “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.” And my black conservative friends have been called “Uncle Tom” or “not black” more times than any of us care to count.

    Dangerous? We aren’t the ones talking about camps for those who don’t agree with us. We aren’t the ones espousing the nonsensical term “settled science.” There’s enough racism and evil to go around — I won’t say every conservative is blameless, but they use an awfully big brush to smear millions of good people. I hope their lies are finally catching up with them.

  2. Makes me wonder how bad Mcauliffe et al lost in reality since they couldn’t even beat the cheat spread.

    1. Probably close to the six or seven point spread the final polls were showing. It was a total blowout, reduced to less than 2.5% by the cheat factor. The good news may be that another Republican, a Latino BTW, was elected Attorney General, so there’s hope that a genuine, honest audit can be performed, maybe even before next November. Heh.

  3. I heard it was a Democrat Disaster Down ballot too. And it was not just Virginia, New Jersey is close too. I wonder if anyone broke the news to F. Joe Biden?

  4. Saw a report saying that the Virginia elections office is accepting mail-in/absentee ballots until Friday.

    Did the math: It’d take about 100k votes to make up that 3% lead (based on the projection of ~3.2 million votes total).

    That’s about a single box truck of “found” ballots. They can do it.

    The question is, what will we do about it if they do?

    1. Why wait for Friday? It’s a blue state that went +10 for Biden and +5 to Hillary.
      If they’re going to cheat, just dump the fake ballots early.

    1. Why let it get this close? If it was supposed to be a referendum on CRT, control of schools, and the Biden admin, then why didn’t they make this a resounding McAwful victory?
      Even if they sneak in enough phony ballots Friday, it’s still a Uuuuuge drop from Biden +10 a year ago.

  5. I heard something this evening about Ms. Sears — she’s an immigrant from Jamaica. And she joined the US Marines before she was naturalized to US citizen.
    I’ve heard of such cases before. They always amaze me. I’m an immigrant and naturalized citizen too, but the idea of volunteering for US military service without the protection of US citizenship always was rather mindboggling. For one thing, in various countries (my native Holland for example) the law says that joining foreign armed forces will void your citizenship.
    Semper Fi, indeed.

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