Look at these Tweets:

A few things here are clear:

They hate white people.  There is no other way to consider this.  Objectively they associate white people and whiteness with evil.  Anything that is evil therefore must be white.

White Supremacy, like fascism, or Nazi, had become another codeword for “anything I don’t like.”

The Left uses flexible definitions, where they can take something that is universally agreed upon to be bad, and stretch it to fit over anything they want to make it a target for scorn.

When most people hear “white supremacy” they (accurately) think of the Klan.  This directs the scorn people have for the clan at a population of people who fled to this country with nothing, escaping poverty and persecution in a Communist dictatorship.

Cubans are racially diverse people, being a former slave colony.

The reason that Cubans are generally more Republican is the very recent experience of fleeing a communist dictatorship.  If the voter themselves didn’t flee, their parents or grandparents did and they were raised on the stories of the horrors of what happened there.

The Left does not appreciate this fact.  They only see things in terms of race.  Therefore, the only reason for Cubans to reject the Democrat party is that:

Republicans are evil, white people are evil, Cubans vote Republican, QED: Cubans are white.  



This is actually a semi-accurate statement.  If by “we” she means the Left that sees everything in terms of racial division.  If by “we” she means the United States as a whole then she’s wrong.

Her ideology is failing her, and rather than try to understand why, i.e., why Hispanic/Latino Cubans in Miami don’t vote like Hispanic/Latino Mexicans in California, she cannot let introspection make her question her dogma, therefore Hispanic/Latino Cubans in Miami are actually white supremacists who probably use their Klan robes as sails when they come across the Florida Straits on their homemade rafts.

Cubans are now a hated group, to be persona non-grata on the Left.  I’m sorry that you escaped persecution in a Communist dictatorship to be subjected to the same Marxism from Democrats here in this country.


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By J. Kb

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