Earlier today I wrote about how Space Force was runny dog shit because of the upper echelon of the military is bureaucratic bullshit.

As it turns out, the parent branch of Space Force is the monkeypox infected fissured asshole that runny dog shit comes from.

Air Force Academy Tells Cadets to Ditch Gendered Terms Like ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’

Cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs have been instructed to adopt gender-inclusive language as part of their diversity and inclusion training at the esteemed military institution.

“Use words that include all genders,” the training material, obtained by Fox News, directs. It reminds readers to ask for a person’s preferred gender pronouns and names rather than referring to them by their observable sex.

Recommended substitutes for “you guys,” if a student is addressing a group of people, are gender-neutral terms including “team,” “squaddies,” “folks” and “y’all.”

“Some families are headed by single parents, grandparents, foster parents, two moms, two dads, etc.: consider ‘parent or caregiver’ instead of ‘mom and dad,’” the training says. Romantic relationships have to be stripped of gender connotations, too, with the presentation suggesting the word “partner” over “boyfriend or girlfriend.”

These are supposed to be warriors who are going to fight and kill and risk their lives for this county.

And they are too emotionally vulnerable to hear “mom and dad” because those are gendered words.

We once sent people up in planes to be blown apart by flack to run sorties over Nazi Germany and they did their jobs.  Now we have to coddle them because someone said “guys.”

But that’s not all.

‘Men – this is not for you’: The Air Force Academy is now promoting a fellowship that BANS ‘cisgender’ men and only wants candidates from gender minorities and women

The United States Air Force Academy recently circulated promotional information among its cadets for the Brooke Owens Fellowship, which specifically bans ‘cisgender men’ from applying.

The email sent on September 14, encourages cadets to apply to the program, which states: ‘If you are a cisgender woman, a transgender woman, non-binary, agender, bigender, two-spirit, demigender, genderfluid, genderqueer, or another form of gender minority, this program is for you.

A concerned Air Force cadet shared the email because, he told Fox News, ‘It’s a little worrying that we have more briefs about D&I than briefs about foreign adversaries, emerging technologies or current events across the world.’

The program provides young people, who are not cisgender men, with paid internships and executive mentorship at top aviation and space exploration companies.

Two things to note.

The Air Force Academy is partnering with a fellowship that is full on discriminatory and that’s okay because it’s discriminatory against straight men.

Also, the Air Force puts most of its training effort into Woke DE&I bullshit and not anything related to actual air combat superiority.

What a bunch of useless fuckery.

The Air Force is utter Woke garbage now and the Space Force is starting off as runny dog shit.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The runny dog shit doesn’t fall far from the asshole”
  1. Almost makes me ashamed to admit that I am prior airforce. I just luv it when they include yall in the bullshiite. An original southern saying has now been corrupted…. Sad. This continues the obammy pussification of the military. Military- its job is to kill our enemies and break shit. Now its job is to appease the .00000000001% of fruitcakes and pedofiles. Fuk.

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